Chapter 10

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That evening, I begin packing up to head out for the day. Jackson takes notice and stretches in his chair.

"Celebratory drink? I'm heading to Finn's," I ask him. He lifts an eyebrow while a smirk plays on his face.

"You know, I was told to stay out of Finn's by a regular there, think it's safe for me to go?" Jackson folds his arms across his chest.

"As long as you're with me, you'll be safe," I say.

Out on the sidewalk, as we make our way to Finn's, I look at Jackson.

"You know, I-uh, just want to say good job," I say quietly. Jackson looks at me with faux skepticism. "And, I'm sorry."


"I underestimated you, and never really gave you a chance, but you listened to me, you gave me credit for the campaign. I–appreciate your effort and ability to be a bigger person than me."

"Oof, you feeling okay?"

"I'm serious Jackson, this is the first big account I've landed and I wouldn't have even gotten a meeting without you. I...guess I'm glad that we worked on it together."

Jackson pauses and faces me, I stop and face him.

"I'm sorry too. I haven't exactly been cordial to you either but I'm not used to getting my ass kicked by a woman," Jackson says, smirking again.

I roll my eyes.

"But it'd be fine if I was a guy?"

He laughs. I go to walk off but he grabs my wrist and gently yanks me back to face him.

"I'm not used to being challenged by anybody Ginger," he says. "I one has ever, er, called me out on my bullshit before."

I try my hardest not to, but a smile still somehow slides onto my face. Jackson's head falls backwards.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," he says and I laugh.

"And where's the fun in that?" I pull on Jackson's lapel and we start down the sidewalk again.

The tavern is only about half full as Jackson and I claim two barstools. Simon approaches us and looks at me expectedly.

"So? How'd it go?" He asks propping his hands up on the edge of the bar.

I shrug but then look up at him as a grin spreads across my face.

"You got it?!"

"We did!" I exclaim.

"Atta babe!" Simon rounds the bar quickly and wraps me in a big hug, easily pulling me off the floor. "I knew you'd do it! I knew it!"

I laugh into his shoulder.

"Thank you!" I say.

Simon gently puts me back on solid ground, making sure my heels are firmly in place before releasing me.

"Lemme get your first round," he says as he returns to his place behind the bar.

"Thanks Simon, I'll have an old fashioned," I look to Jackson who is smiling.

"Whiskey sour please."

"Aye," Simon says as he gets to work.

"So," Jackson turns to me as I shell a peanut. "What's next for Ginger Campbell of Atwood Collective?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you needed this account, that you had plans, so what's next?" Jackson asks.

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