The day before

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Sam's pov
God I was so so so relieved he forgave me and I'm him I still feel so deeply sorry for accusing him if cheating I don't k ow why I thought he ever would but he forgave me and I hope that this dosent effect us I tooled at the ring on my finger being so happy it's back back where it belongs and that he is back with me he was-is and will ever be my soulmate that's when I felt a tear drip down my cheek "what's wrong Sammy" I ask im just so " I said almost to quit to understand yeah he said putting his finger under my chin making me look at him" then why are you crying he said his eyes so soft and full of love making my heartache even more,"bc I'm still so sorry i really am I feel horrible" I said feeling my lip quiver and my eyes water he pulled me over my seat and in to his lap hugging me he was so warm i immediately reflexed feeling so safe "Sammy it's okay really I forgive you and we promised to trust each other and communicate" he said rubbing my back "I know but I can't get the guilt out of me I feel so bad" I mumbled baby don't feel that way okay you made a mistake anyone can make them and I trust you that this will Never happens again bc you now in your heart you are everything I want and need there is nobody out there who is my soulmate " he said making my heart so warm I put my head away looking at him he looked at me with a soft smile" I love you so much " I whispered looking directly in to his eyes to let him know I'm so serious he smiled putting his hand on my neck and his thumb cursed my cheek" I love you so much more baby " he said with a voice that made my legs week he schüttet so many emotions in these words it was crazy he pulled me to his face our lips almost touching I could feel his hot breath on my lips hot run through my body he closed the gap between us kissing my lips it felt like my lips where on fire in a good way I let out a whimper on accident so overstimulated in feelings he pulled away kissing my colorbone kissing softly up kissing behind my ear "I love you" he whispered in my ear giving me chills "I love TO" I said the last word came out as a gasp him biting down on my sweet spot I closed my eyes melting in to his touch nobody could ever make me feel that way "your mine" he whispered husk against my neck sucking a deep hickey in my skin after making me goosebumps all over my Body I'm all yours I whispered running my fingers through his hair he pulled away kissing me befor looking at me his eyes so deep blue it can pierce my soul "soooo when do we get married" I ask ~of course you f up the mood idiot ~making me blush at my outburst he chucked I thought June 16th he looked at me smiling "the day we got together" I ask he nodded but that is in 13 days babe "I know baby" but what about what we want to wear and rings and the place and fam and all I said almost dripping over my words he laughed softly taking my hand "what do you think I did baby it's all ready for our day the place the people and what we wear if you like all off it of course he said making me smile" I will I would Marry you under a bridge " that's not quite romantic isn't it he chuckled" but how many people will come I ask "10 he said I got big eyes 10 where do you get them I laughed I ask all the people who still love me or you but it's mostly your side but it doesn't matter who comes from my fam I just want to marry my fam, you are my family and everything I need he said making my eyes water "that is so sweet babe but will not at least your brother come" I ask not mentioning his parents "I don't think so we dident talk for a few years but it dosent matter baby let's get cinnamon it's pretty late and your poor parent have to stay up" he said yeah that's true let's go then I said ~I have to do something it's not my place I know that but colby would be so happy if anyone came I know that ~i drove all the way back to my parents house and parkt I get out telling colby to wait here for a sec I just get cinnamon I knocked at the door it opens and being greeted by cinnamon but then he immediately runs to colby making us all laugh "man dad we talk a bit about the wedding at least who is coming and as you know his parents will definitely not so I made the plan to at least ask his older brother he can't be alone at his wedding" I said looking at them "you are such a thoughtful person Sammy boy" my mom said and if not you 2 are our sons so on of us will take him down the to we are 2 you are 2 " my dad said making me almost cry thank you mom dad I love you 2 I said hugging my mom" we love you 2 to now go on colby is waiting "thank you for everything mom and dad" they smiled I walked back to colby and opend the back "cinnamon come here" I said he jumped in and I closed the door going to the driver side getting in starting the car I looked at colby seeing his eyes close and open again "you tiered babe" he looked at me yeah pretty bad but I'm okay " hey you can take a nap on the couch and I make us something to eat okay" I ask him nodding with a smile on his face we get to the house parking the car "how about we go tomorrow and buy us a car" he ask I looked at him "don't look at me like that mister we need one we can't get your parents all the time and we have a big dog now" yeah your right and I guess we also will get way more stuff for the house and can't walk it home I laughed "exactly now come on I'm tiered" he laughed with me we get out and let the dog out and walk to the door I open it and and we walk in colby immediately going to the couch I take cinnamons bowl and get him new water filling it up and bring ging it back to him he happiely drinking it I looked back at colby smiling when I saw he was already passed out I walked to him pulling the blanket over him kissing his forehead "sweet dreams" I whispered going to the kitchen I desided to make some pasta with tomato sauce and cheese to I get all the pots and pans out and open the tomatos putting them in the pot with a bit off water and seasonings next I put water in the pot and wait for it to boil, I looked back at colby seeing he had turned around facing the wall ~do it sam it's maybe your only change ~ I walked back in in the living room on my tippy toes walking to the table taking colby's phone to my surprise it was unlocked I got in his contacts and searched for his brother I smiled when I found it quickly typing it in my phone going out off his and delete the page where I was locking it again and putting it down walking back in the kitchen and to the pot stirring the sauce, and putting in the spaghetti with a bit of salt while I'm waiting I'm sitting the the chair pulling my phone out taking a deep breath I looked at colby one more time smiling at how cute he looked

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