The police station

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Sam pov
I was so scared can you imagine to loss the love of you life I definitely can't we waited for the uber to arrive and was so happy when I saw it we got in "hello" the lady said hey um to the nearest police station please, she nodded and began to drive I looked at colby with scared eyes he took my hand and looked at me, his eyes saying everything will be okay but Im just so scared i mean he almost died and we know what these people can and will do and this letter is not just to scare us I'm sure there mean it, we arrived and got out and walked in we got to the police officer that stands behind the glas and tell him briefly about our situation "okay please wait in the waiting room for a minute the next police officer will come to You".... Okay thank you colby said we walking to the room sitting down... Colby turns to me and put his hands an either side of my face "sam we will be okay please try to calm down It won't help anyone when you are so out of it" but what if we are not colbs a tear slipped down my face " hey - hey no crying Sammy we will be okay I promise you won't loss me and I won't loss you okay" i nodded looking down he put his finger under my chin making me lock at him " I love you" he whispered I love you to so much I said hugging him super tight "we are okay Sammy" colby brock and Sam golbach a loud voice rumbled though the room... We stand up and follow the officer we walked in the room and sat down the officer closed the door "so what are you here for" I looked at colby and he saw in my face i couldn't so he began to tell the officer everything from the stuff brennen did to the hospital and all the stuff and then about the letter and our concern about the car I looked at colby for a second and i was silently crying... He took his hand in mine and softly run his thumb over my hand "do you have the latter still" yes - yes I have I said pulling it out if my pocket giving it to the officer.. "so what we do now is sending people to get your car to our station to make sure there isn't anything in or on the car then we take fingerprints from the letter and we take yours to that we know what are yours and maybe from another person" we nodded.. Can we buy or have something to protect us legally colby ask "you can use papper spray or taser" the officer said okay thank you he nodded I'm going to make the paper stuff and send the people to your car another officer will take you for the fingerprints in a sec he says walking out hey are you okay colby ask  "yes I'm fine colby" sam please don't lie to me you are not he said I just starts to cry "Sam - Sammy no don't cry hey he said hugging me shhhhh we will be okay" I'm sorry I'm just so overwhelmed with all the stuff that happend the last weeks we never can calm down we are always somewhere and in fear at least I am, I thought now everything will be okay but I feel like we never can i said crying... Sammy shhhhh I know it's hard for both of us and believe me I wished you would not be in my life for this reason I never wanted you to feel like this or be in constant fear I hate that you have to life like this it's all because of me...i looked at himshocked colby don't say that I wouldn't want to life with anyone else in this world I love you so much, so much I'm feeling this way bc I'm constantly horrified of loosing you I can't life without you anymore you are the best think that ever happened to me....thats when the door opened sam golbach your first the officer said walking in I looked at colby... You are okay he mouth at me  I stand up and followed the officer he took my fingerprints 3 times just for multiple paper I guess 10 minutes later I got back to colby hugging him....sam are you okay he ask I just nodded Mr brock the officer said "I'm right back Sammy okay" he whispered in my ear he walked out it this your boyfriend the officer ask getting all the stuff yeah he is I smiled.. He is pretty out off it it seems like the officer said" yeah he is he is so scared after all the stuff that happened and still happens I sight I don't really know what to do I mean I'm the one they want but of course he is scared that something is happening to me and stuff" I told him I understand that the only think you can do be there for each other and protect yourself if needed we do everything we can to find out who it is he told me... Then a knock sounded on the door another officer called him to him "just a sec" he said walking away after 3 min he came back "we have some news about your car do you want me to tell you both or just you" he ask if it's bad just me please I can't have sam to be more afraid I said to him.. Okay so the team found a trecking device under your car we don't know yet if there is more, we have to leave the car here for now... I nodded slowly... We promise we do anything to found the people as fast as we can for now get yourself some self defense stuff and try to calm you and your bf "thank you" I said before going to the door "are we okay to leave" I ask befor leave the room "we need a number where we can inform you" oh right here I say writing my number on the paper "please always ask for me when you call its better" we will and yes you can leave the officer told me I walked back in the room to see sam panicking I walked to him hugging him he jumped a bit shhhh its just me I said to sam him hugging me tight... Can we go now please I said to him just wanting to go... Yes we can sam come on let's go i took his hand and leave the room walking out of the police station soooo what are we doing now we can't go anywhere I thought about that sam what do you think about this.....

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