Please Help Me

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Sam's POV

When I woke up I open my eyes and saw colby was gone I panicked I got up and to the bedroom nothing I knocked on the bathroom door but nothing okay now my hard was beating very fast I took my phone

Colby🐨 hey Sam im sorry that you wake up without me please don't be mad I needed to get out don't worry okay I'm fine

Okay he texted me but I don't feel better and also a little mad bc everything he is gone when he is here I mean if he don't want to be here or can't why is he not telling me

Sam🐰 first im clad you are okay but yes if bin a little mad and sad that you always leaving when you are here I mean you just can tell me if you sant want or can't be here just don't just leave if you need time okay but I try my very best to help you or try to make you feel better if I'm to much just tell me

Colby🐨 please don't be sad or mad at me it's not you or Anything you do it's me my pain always says that I don't want this or deserve this it's like I'm use to get hurt or dreaded bad and also I - I never mind

Sam🐰 please tell me colby I'm crying anyway right know just let me at least help you here

Colby🐨 please don't cry sam I'm really sorry I promise it's not you not 1% is you I - Im scared to fall in love

Sam🐰 you can give you as much time as you need to get your mental health better and if it's 3 years

Colby🐨 that's the problem sam I can't  I think I fell something for someone and I dyed to not but I feel like never before and it messing my head up don't give me wrong I like this person and I also want love but I'm so scared and it's like a fight my heart is yessss my brain noo you don't

Sam🐰okay but what are you wanne do I mean you can't just be alone until you feel ready or you tell him or her and you guys talk about but you can't run away from your problems you now that's not helping colby

Colby🐨 of course I know this but I also don't now what to do I mean I was in this "relationship" for 3 years and you now how this mess is someone up I also know you can't control feelings but I don't know how to handle a new love just jet what if it's brakes because of me or I can't I don't want someone to be heartbroken and I don't want to

Sam🐰 I truly understand this colby I really do and what about friends at first then you can see the person but you don't have to do anything

Colby🐨 I thought about this to and I really tried but I think my feelings are to much for friend and I'm just so scared

Sam🐰 please colby please tell me what I can do for you I mean so much to me I can't just sit here doing nothing

Colby🐨 not at the moment thank you Sammy really I want you to know that I'm really thankful for what you have done for me

Sam🐰 okay but please colby please promise me you don't do anything stupid okay and text me if you need anything

Colby🐨 I don't do anything sam

I put my phone down I didn't know what to do or think or feel but I guess I have to wait I can't fours him to anything so I get on with my day first I take a shower and some new clothes and put some in the washing machine when I got out I made me some food I sit on the couch and watch TV and eat  it was now 2 and I didn't heart from colby I hope he is okay but he has promised me that he doesn't do anything so I trust him I'm just a little nervous who he is and what he is doing

Colby 🐨 sam are you there

Sam🐰 yes I'm here colby

Colby 🐨 I-I think I need you before I do something stupid

Sam🐰 okay first take a deep breath for me right now okay I know the voices are very loud sometimes but don't listen okay

Colby 🐨how do you know

Sam🐰 I was also there colby so now tell me what can i do colbs

Colby🐨 c-can you come please I'm sitting here scared with panic attacks

Sam🐰of course I can love and you take deep breath okay tell who you are

Colby🐨 I send you my location okay places help me sam I can't anymore

Sam🐰 everything is going to be okay colby I'm on my way in there in 10 minutes and please colby go of if the bridge wait on the parking spaces for me I'm on the way

I ran to the door get a jacket and a hoodie for him just in case I ran out of the door locking it I ran to my car and put the phone in the stand I drove so quick I didn't care if I get in trouble 10 minutes later they felt like forever I was at the location I got out and looked around for him is spotted him in the way dark corner curled on a ball colby I said loudly he looked up at me with really red eyes tears rolling down his face I felt so bad that my heart hurts I got on my knees and scooped him In my arms he held me so tight and cried in my shoulder.... Shhh colby I'm here you will be fine I rocked him a little and rubbed his back I'm here colbs I'm always so sorry I'm such a baby he sobbed... You are not a Baby colby I got hurt for many years you are very strong you got to all this torture by your self you are so strong and you can cry colby that means you have still feelings and you are still hurt we can do this together if you let me he cried harder Shhh deep breath colby you have done so much now we can do this together it needs time and I'm there for you when ever you need me and you help me too love... H-how I have done nothing he said... You have done more the you think colby first you textet me and have made it clear to me that I don't need him that there is more out there that I want to do and then I was so focused on helping you and be there for you that I forgot about my pain and it helped me to help someone who is going true the same and.... "and what" he said and had made me realize that I really like you.. No panic I mean not love I don't want you to think I want a relationship right now but you are so sweet and funny and handsome and caring I just really like you... He looked up at me smiling a little and I wiped the tears of his cheeks his eyes shining.. I really like you too sam and thank you for all you nice words.. I smiled at him we look at each other... C-Can we go please he said I think this situation made him nervous.. Of course we can and I got you a hoodie because your are freezing cold mister I giggled...i slightly blushed come on let's get to the car....

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