I Missed You

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Sam:hey are you awake

Colby:why are you up at 4 in the morning

Sam:im sorry for waking you up

Colby:nah you have I couldn't sleep

Sam:me neither :(

Colby :hey whats wrong you wanne talk

Sam:what should I say I miss been loved and that I'm important to someone kisses and hugs and the list gos on

Colby:so you want a boyfriend?

Sam:I have one but we never see each other maybe 1 time in 2 weeks and then he is only on his phone

Colby :I'm sorry to hear that but when you okay with this question why don't you brake up

Sam:bc we are together for 2 years and it's his house but he is always with his "friends" and maybe a little bit to not know we're to go

Colby:why does this so much sounds like my ex but Sam you don't need him or this you can make it and you are way more happy without him you only wast your time you Only live one's

Sam:I know you are right but I don't even know what to do where to go
But anyway you wanne tell me more about you

Colby:okay why not im working in dairy queen for the summer and can do life on my own I have not really any friends beside my friend brennen

Sam:this is why I thought I seen you anywhere ☺️ I'm started YouTube and have to friends devyn and tara

Colby :you do YouTube that's so cool what do you do exactly

Sam :Mix things I make challenges and lost places

Colby :I had loved to be a part of this wow

Sam :just one second I need to putt comfy clothes on

Colby:is it bad if I would love to see it

Sam: but no laugh


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Sam:I know im ugly

Colby:what ugly who you are hot if it's okay to say it

Sam:stop it you make me blush

Colby:sorry but you are nice cute and hot and if you boyfriend still don't want you he is stupid and blind sorry

Sam:colby really stop you are so sweet thank you

Colb:hey im only telling the truth I would carry you anywhere if I would be your boyfriend

Sam:soooo because it's only fair can I see how you look at the moment "giggle"

Colby okay if you want to

Sam:😲🤤 waoh damnnn sorry my soul left my body for a second

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Sam:😲🤤 waoh damnnn sorry my soul left my body for a second

Colby: 😂it's just a body nothing special

Sam:are you serious you are nice, cut, hot af and you say nothing special what am I then

Colby: if it's okay I would try to sleep a bit more I have to go grocery shopping at 9 I hope we text later xx

Sam:I would very much like that good night colby and thank you for taking to me

Colby:of cause Sammy bye xxx

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