Im so sorry Mr and Mrs golbach

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Still colby's pov

I started hyperventilating "no-no he is alive but It doesent look to good I have to be honest for now we have to wait the next 24h the doc said I started to cry again" can I please see him please " yes follow me the doctor said I stood up my legs feeling like Yello but I don't fucking care we stopped at the door" please press the botton on the bed if you need anything okay " the doc said walking away I opened the door and my heart broke he had cables everywhere on his tiny body and he was so pail I walked to his bed sitting on the chair I take his hand in mine his was so cold my heart hurts so much" hey Sammy baby it's me colby im here and Im not leaving you " I said kissing his head" I'm so sorry baby that I couldn't protect you I will never forgive me for that I love you so so much " I cried putting his hand on my mouth kissing his hand" baby if you can here me please I sobbed please fight I need you please don't leave me everytime will be okay baby I promise you, you just have to fight" that's when the machine stared beeping like crazy all the nurses and doctors came running in I let go of Sam's hand walking to the side " what going on" I said loudly "he need to go back to the operation room right now" a docor yelled the nurses rushed him out of the room I stood there in shock I can't comprehend what's happening, one nurse come to me I looked up at here "his heart stopped the doctors will try everything they can" she said putting her hand on my shoulder and walking out I sat down just shacking and crying, Sammy please fight for you, for me, for us please I can't life without you, I don't want to life without please sam I whispered, in that moment Sam's parents walk in they look heartbroken they rushed to me "colby what happened his mom ask" I'm so sorry mr and Mrs golbach " I sobbed" colby please calm down please tell us what happened " his mom said" we came back from a holiday and there was noises from apartment so we went to check after we called the police just in case sam was going in his bedroom while I looked in any other room when I got to him he was just standing there frozen and I knew they where in there so I was getting my gun i had and walked in front of him I cried continuing the guy told me sam have to watch me die and then he pushed me I couldn't do anything then the guy stepped him I cried harder I shot him after I don't know if he's alive or dead I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him "colby please stop blaming you, you did anything you could and should you couldn't know he want to safe you in that moment" he father says "but I should of known bc he loves me so much and know he maybe die h-he had to get rushed to the operating room again bc his heart stopped, I can't life without him I can't" his mom came to me hugging me I just cried "she pulled back and look at me" he will not die colby he is so strong and you know it and he loves you he will not die okay " but the most important part he need you the most now you have to try and be strong for him okay you won't help him when he hears or see you so broken" I looked at her for the first time "you are right he need me I have to be strong for him I said wiping my tears" do you you want something to drink his father ask I'm nodding about to stand up "no stay here I get you one" he says "colby he will be okay and you will be okay we are positive until the end okay" I nodded and sat in my chair I was rocking back and forth I was so scared "here colby" Sam's dad said handing me a water "thank you" I whispered taking it and drinking some I nurse walks in I looked at her sitting up "is our son okay" his mom ask the nurse "he is still in operation he had an internal bleeding and his heart stopped twice but I let you know as soon as I know something new" she said.. thank you his dad said I just began to cry again please don't leave me - please don't leave me was all I said under my breath.....

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