Who Are You

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Colbys POV

I was sitting in the living room and ordered all the stuff for my new apartment when I was finally done I watched at the time it was very late and I was wondering why sam wasn't here by now I got a little worried

Colby🐨 hey sam are you okay it's late and you are still not here

Sam🐰 yes I'm fine

Something was definitely up he never talk's like this so got a little nervous

Colby🐨 are you sure sam you know that you can talk to me

Sam🐰 I'm fine colby I be back soon

Okay now I'm scared he sounds like a robot what can I do, what should I do, I sit there 5 more minutes and think of all things that could be and then it hit's me off cause he is exhausted his one break up and then me he feels horrible of course and it's my fault I was so caught by my feelings that I never thought of Sam's, I feel so bad he probably think I just used him

Colby🐨 sam who are you

Sam🐰 at the car park at the Hollywood sign why?

I ordert an uber he was only 5 min away I get dressed grapped my phone and keys and got out of the apartment and waited on the sidewalk the uber came and I said him my destination I looked it was only 7 minutes

Sam🐰colby talk to me what's wrong

Colby🐨 nothing sam I promise

We arrived at the parking lot I got out thank the driver and looked around then I saw Sam's car in the last corner I got to the car and heard lite sniffing my heard broke I got to his window and tapped softly on it he looked at me shocked i walked to the passenger side and got in.. W-what are you doing here he said quickly whipping his tears I doesn't say anything I just hugged him tigth I could feel my hoody gets wet.. Shhh it's okay sam I'm here I whispered rubbing his back softly I-im S-sorry col.. I shh him don't be sorry sam I'm so so sorry he pulled an inch away and looked at me... For what he said for not thinking about you and your feelings I feel so so bad you had your heard broken and then all my problems and nobody was there for you, I feel so horrible and I'm so sorry I said hugging him tigth tears roll down my own checks we just sat there and let our feelings out it Feld so good I can't explain and I think it also helped sam he pulled away and I wiped his tears.. You better now? I whispered looking at him...yeah I think so thank you colby... For what sam I ask.... For coming here... No need to you where there for me every second and I new you needed someone and I just came.. I smiled a bit... He hugged me tight again.. Tank you colby he whispered I know he is not just talking about this here so I stayed quite and just hugged him tight..i would lie when I said I don't get this warm feeling in my whole body from sam and butterflies in my stomach but I'm still so scared of a new relationship not only if I can do it but it's also to not break someone's other heard... Come on we switch places I drive us home okay I said softly looking at him.. He nodded I got in the driver seat and drove of I looked to sam from time to time.. Hey you okay I ask he looked at me. Yeah I'm fine but I knew he is not... All my stuff for my apartment cames tomorrow I said to dry lift up the mood a little, really that's really good colby I'm happy for you he said but he sounded sad we soon arrived at our place we get out of the car and in the house... We get to the apartment and open the door... I go to bed I'm really tired he said okay sam good night then I said to him and sit on the couch lost in thoughts, what makes sam so sad or mad is it me of course is has to be me, when he would have a problem with him self then clearly not just now randomly, am I to much for him thoughts after thousands running through my mind... I lay my head on the pillow and cover me up I putted my phone out and just watch some random YouTube videos after 15 minutes I heard some noises I keep listening I get up quickly and follow the sounds it comes from Sams room I putt my ear to the door und hear some quiet sniffes and sobbs my heart broke without thinking I open the door its dark I get in close the door and go to his bed I don't Say anything I just lay down his back presst against my chest he turned without saying anything he presst his head in my chest and I wrapped my arms tight around him he just cried in my chest and I rub his back softly.... I soon heard little snores he cried himself to sleep pur sam I feel so bad for him and I didn't want to move or wake him up so I closed my eyes as well but I couldn't sleep my mind was going crazy the I Feld sam move he pulled my hair out of my face.... "I love you colby" he whispered before he laid his head back in my chest I was shocked and scared but also I know that I also like sam but what do I do is that why he is so sad I think about it tomorrow I need some sleep for the day tomorrow and then I fell asleep....

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