Colby did you hear that

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Colbys pov

I was happy that sam said yes I know he's always worried especially from the last time when we got on a walk but I need to get out of the house to get my mind free and of course I want him with me "thank you for coming with me baby" said as we walked don't the street slowly anything for you babe but no crossing the road he said looking at me I chuckled it was so nice out today the last days where so hot but today is pretty nice I looked at sam for a sec and he looked so happy making me smile we came up to the woods never bin here ever it looks so beautiful but also a bit creepy the trees where so close together and many trees where falling over we walked more slowly bc of all the prenshes on the ground and me not walking as good of them course "if never bin here ever how do you know this place" he ask I saw it a few times when we drove by and I always liked wood it's so quiet and peaceful and not a lot of people are here bc who want to come here besides us I chuckled we walked 5 more min the woods got closer and closer it dident looked like someone is here ever I could feel Sam's hand grapped mine harder we walked a few more min "you want to turn around Sammy" I ask looking in his de-stressed face I think I would prefer that yes it's so creepy here he said that's when I heard something it sounded like a whimper "what was that did you hear that" he said getting closer to me yes I heard it it was probably just a small animal as we where about to turn around I heard a rustling in the bushes "colby I'm scared" sam whimpered it's okay Sammy I'm here nothing will happens to you I said putting my arm around him protectively we walked a few feet when we heart a very quiet what sounded like a dog "was that a dog" he ask I don't know you want to go look I ask not sure "I don't don't know colby what if it's Coyotes he said then we heart a bark but so softly" that is not a wild animal that was a dog " I said yeah but maybe people are going with there dog he said" but what if the person need help I mean look at where we are " I said looking at him yeah your right okay let's go look but if anything happens he said sam I'm always here nothing will okay get your phone ready if we need help here I said as we walked slowly sam a bit behind me clinging to my arm we walked about 3 min seeing nothing then the winzing again I looked at sam that when we came up to an opening a big fallen tree an on it

Colby omg he said looking around to see if someone was here I run to the dogs petting them I still looked around in case this is a trap I called "hello anyone here" nothing I walked around a bit if I see a person who need help but saw nothing that's when anger filled me "what Bastard would let there dogs here" they are okay just very thin but I see no injuries " sam said looking them over" I can't believe someone would do that I hope karma gets them very bad " I said going over to them petting them as well" what are we doing now "sam ask call your parents ask them if they could came to the start of the woods and what's happening and take them to the vet maybe we can find out if they have chips" colby I don't let them go back to these people " he said serious" I know Sammy but we then can make a report and we also take pictures of them here I took a few Pic and then take them of the tree "colby look the little one is limping" okay then try pick him up and if he gets to heavy I take him he nodded and softly picked him up not to scare them we walked back 10 min seeing Sam's parents on the street "oh my goodness" his mom said seeing us walk up poor little things his mom said petting them "let's get them to the vet" my dad said opening the back of the car "what ate you gonne do with the dogs" his mom ask "we keep them" he bursts out lout "Sammy we can't just..." colby I keep them they will not go back or life in a shelter "he looked at me so seriously" boys no need to fight okay let's get to the vet first and let them look over them "he said said I just set there saying nothing looking out of the window 10 min later we got to the vet I got out and took the bigger one out of the back sam was still holding the small one we walked in and told them every" the doctor we get to you in a sec " the lady said we sat down nobody was saying a single word I hated it but also dosent care soon the doctor called and I gave the dog to his father sam turned for a sec looking at me walking in with his father" is anything okay colby" his mom ask yeah I'm fine I just want to sit for a sec I walked pretty long "(it's was a complete lie) oh okay I understand that" you know she started making me look at her sam can be very stubborn and passionate about thinks he puts his heart in you know don't be mad at him for it I'm pretty sure he was just stressed I mean so many things in a few days you know I'm sure we will come around " I just nodded still a bit said he not even thought about talking to me or say something he just simply decided I mean yes we found them and yes I understand they need a home my thoughts where interrupted when bis father opend the door waving me to him I stood up and walked to him "please go to sam son he need you really bad" he said padding my shoulder I walked in seeing sam sobbing making my heart break I walked to him as quickly as I could sitting besides him the liitle dog laying on the table he looked at him tears rushing down his face "what's going on" I said turning him and hugging him "w-we have to let her go he said through tears I'm so sorry baby I really am" he said she is at least 17 and her heart and kidneys fail I looked at her "but she is not in pain anymore then Baby and she can go in peace not in pain" I said he was still sobbing "and we can cremate her and bring her home" he looked at me really he ask of course baby he is still ours just different yeah I said he nodded wiping his eyes " thank you" he whispered soon the doctor came in listening to her heart beat he nodded sam starts to cry again "it's okay Baby she is in dog heaven now, no more pain and suffering and she new you loved her in her final moments" I looked at the doctor we want to cremate her please " I said he nodded with a smile" I call you when she back he said "come on baby we still have another Baby to care for" he looked at me smiling slightly "we keep him" he ask of course we do I was just a little sad you dident even ask or said something you know I said yeah I'm sorry he said it's okay baby so what's the Infos on him is he okay how old "yes he is just dehydrated and thin and he guesses he is 4-5 years that's amazing so let's bring him home and ask your parents if they maybe can buy something for him I said walking out of the door" Sammy im so sorry " he mom said walking to him hugging him" I'm okay mom we bring her back home " he smiled looking at me" ohh and you to 2 maybe get us something for him we don't have anything we need a bed and foot and bowls and a harness "of course we can let's get you home and I get right to the pet store" thank you for all your help " I said looking at his mom and dad no worries son" his dad said we walked out of the vet and on our way home with our new dog....

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