Are you okay my love

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Sam's pov
I woke up to the sun shining in the window i tied to get more comfortable so I moved my leg a bit hissing as the pain shoot through my back "baby are okay" colby mumbles eyes half closed no I'm not my ass and back hurts I said looking at him he just looked at me smirking I huffed just turning around not wanting to see his stupid face he chuckled a bit "come on baby don't be like that" but I dident say anything so he turned as well pressing his body against mine and his head in my shoulder "im sorry baby but you ask me to do it" he was totally right I did but not to be such an ass "I know" I just said " how about we take a hot shower that will help a bit okay" he said rubbing my back how should I do that colby I can't walk I said "I help you of course come on he said standing up and pulling me up carrying me to the bathroom sitting me in the chair in the shower helping me out of my clothes taking off his own and turning the water on I instantly relaxed when the water hot my body colby too the shampoo and put some in my hair massaging my head "mmmmm" feels good " he ask me nodding I then took the shampoo and washed my body while he washed his hair we both where done and it out drying off and putting new clothes on I limped back to the living room sitting down" we still have no food here we have to go out for breakfast " he said yeah I know and also shopping just give me 5 min I say rubbing my back" he walks over and turns me a bit massaging my back making me feel so much better after what felt like 5 min "I'm so hungry let's go now" I said making him laugh okay then let's go he said taking his wallet and took mine and my phone and keys and walked out to the car after locking the door

After hours of shopping we get back to the car with bags over begs I put mine in the car getting in the passenger seat just relaxing for a min "damn I never knew how exhausting shopping can be" he laughed yeah I giggled oh and by the way I got an email today that our stuff comes in 2 days " gread that means much much work to do" hey don't see it that way we make our dream house " he said taking my hand yeah I know but we still have to get the couch bed carpet out and I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to" I said omg I almost forgot about that we to to that tomorrow morning first "he said come on let's had home he said as we where driving home colby puts his hand on my knee smiling at me and looking back at the read
Soon we where home and I grabbed 4 bags out of car but colby took 2 out of my hand I looked up at him pounding he just smiled walking to the door opening it and let's me in first I put the bags down and he took the stuff out and puts them away "cab you get us 2 bowls and make us some cereal" he ask but I know he just doesent want me to do much but I was hungry and dident wanted to argue so I got 2 bowls and bend down to get the milk when I felt a smack on my butt "really" I said turning around he walked over and kissed my lips " sorry I couldn't help myself" I just shook my head putting the milk in getting 2 spoons and walked to the living room setting them in the table 2 min later colby came sitting next to me when began to eat " you at least a little excited for our stuff" he ask of course I am I can't wait to make it our home " after he was done he just stares at the wall in front of him" would you ever marry me " he ask all of the sudden taking me by surprise I looked at him and he looked panicked" if course I would there is nobody out there I rather would I love you so much and married or not you will never get rid of me " I tell him he just hugged me his head in shoulder" you okay babe" he just nodded hugging me tighter so I just laid down and pulled him on top of me running my fingers through his hair "I love you" I whispered I love you to he mumbled then I felt wetness rolling down my neck making me frown " hey what's wrong love" nothing I just need you right now " he said his head deeper in my shoulder then I remembered the song colby sang for me in the hospital to make me feel better so I just began to sing that song ~you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey you never know dear how much I love you ~the rest I just hummed feeling him relax I put my hand under his shirt just softly scratching his back "you okay baby" I ask yeah I guess some memories you can't forget " he said hey and that's completely fine babe you have to Process all the thinks and they will never leave leave but it gets easier and you know that I'm always here no matter what we have bin through so much together we got this" he looked up at me for the first time his eyes red and puffy making me frown " can we go for a walk" he ask right now I ask yeah please.. Okay then let's go do you want anything with you I ask yeah my walled and phone he said getting up taking it real quick I just grabbed the Keys and out of the door we were....

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