My last try

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Still Sam's pov
I just don't know what to do I mean I understand how he is feeling of course but I have feelings to I have to talk to somebody

Sam Hey Kat do you have a second I need a best friend

Kat🌺 of course Sammy what's the problem?

Sam colby... I don't know what to do anymore I tried everything I could but I also have feelings he just runs away every time

Kat🌺 I have an idea what if you and colby go on a little get away together so he can't run of and you 2 have time together to figure out what you both want

Sam OMG Kat you are a genius I hope it works wish me luck

Kat🌺 Sammy no stress what happens, happens what not is not meant to be go relaxed on in and take his and your mind of of things

Sam thank you Kat really what would I do without you I text you how it goes xx

So you do I ask or tell colby this will he say yes what if he says no... Don't overthinking sam just ask him I took a Depp breath

Sam🐰 hey colby how are you

Colby🐨 I'm fine sam

Sam🐰 no you are not I can tell but I wanted to ask you something

Colby🐨 okay what is it

Sam🐰 I thought of this idea and before you anwser please think about it what do you think about a little get away for us I thought about a little house in the woods with nobody around just us and Natur
Colby 🐨........ I - I can I think about it

How will colby deside....

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