Please let me go

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I run as fast as I could to the end of the bridge seeing sam sitting in the edge I walked as quiet as I could when I got to him see saw me in the last sec and was about to let go but I caught him and wrapped my arm tightly around him... Colby no let me go he yelled sobbing but I would never let him go he dreshed around but I hold him tight even if it hurts my body sam sam what you doing I whispered tears falling down my face colby if you love me please let me go he cried... Bc I love you so much I would never let go or I follow you... Colby you don't understand I'm just as broken as you we never work and I can't help you or protect you he whispered... Sam why dident you tell me this.. Bc you I couldn't you where so scared and hurt and almost died my problems seemed so small but I realized they not.... Of course There not Sammy just bc you dident experienced the exact same as me dosent mean your are not as important... I love you and I can't live without you I'm so happy I found you please please don't leave me I need you, your everything I have I said crying  and hugging him tight.. colby how will this work.. Please sam trust me no one has made me happier in my life if anything it's my folt that I dident see how hurt you are I'm so so sorry please please stay with me we can help us I don't want to live without you I cried more... Shhhhh colby take deep breaths for me please you give yourself a panic attack that will help nobody he said quietly... I took a few deep breaths I love you sam and I will take care of you okay I will get over mine and be strong for you but please please never think about this again please promise me sam... He just nodded in my shoulder hugging me I hugged back just es tight.... Could you please go a little lower Sammy I slightly laugh bc it hurts... O~oh I'm sorry I forgot.. No no it's fine sam can we please go home and maybe have some hot chocolate I ask him he looked at me for the first time his eyes so red and puffy he looked in to my eyes yeah let's do it he said trying to stand up but his legs wobble... I got iny knies and he got on my back giving him a piggyback ride he giggled quietly making my heart happy I walked to the house and walked in letting sam down and closed and locked the door he just staying in the kitchen I go to him..sammy talk to me please what are you feeling... I~I don't know he said a tear rolling down his face I frowned hey hey its okay go sit on the couch I'm there in a sec I quickly made the hot chocolate and looked over to sam he was just looking down I signed and walked up to Sammy I said. Thank you he whispered I turned to him and take his hand... Sammy do you wanne talk putting everything inside of you won't help I said quietly... I'm s~sorry he said for what Sammy you dident do anything... I did I almost you know and dident tell you how I feel... Sammy hey look at me please.. He looked up at me his eyes looked so sad.. Sammy you don't have to apologize okay the only one here to apologize is me I was so caught up in my stuff that I dident think about you... But that's normal colbs everyone would when they experienced the stuff you have you probably couldn't even think straight.. That's true but I at least could of talk to you and ask you if course you have feeling and a past to I'm truly sorry for being so selfish really but I will will do anything think I can to do better okay we help each other when we can butt we promise to always talk to each other when thinks get really bad okay like I said I can't loss you and I mean it... B~but I feel so helpless like can I really help you, be there, for you or protecting you I mean I was there but I couldn't protect you, you know... Sammy there was nothing you could of done better he waited for the moment you weren't there and you safed me and the thoughts of I can't leave you got me fighting and serving I mean it I never lived someone like you and I don't want it from someone other then you, you safed me so many times mentally and physically and I will always be grateful for it I know I'm hard to deal with but I promise I will be there for you, beside I must be the person you ask all these questions I'm waek and broken can you love me can I protect you... Colby you are the strongest person I will ever know what you went through and are still here fighting every day and loving you is very easy you are the most loving, caring, funny, cute and sexy intelligent, strong man ever I love you and I will forever be grateful for you to and I'm so sorry what I did today I really thought that this  is the way we both can be happy Im really sorry he said... Sam hey its okay the most important think is that you didn't do it and you promise me to never do it again alright.. He looked up and nodded.. I smile at him good, now drink your hot chocolate it's really good I said.... I looked besides me and see him slightly shaking.. Are you cold Sammy I ask... Yeah just a bit do you want to go to bed I ask..he looked at me with his beautiful eyes only if you come with me he said.. If you want to of course I would love you to go get chanced I put the cups away... He nodded I go to the kitchen and put the cups in the sink and held in the kitchen aisle for a moment that's when I felt sam behind me wrapping his arms around me kissing between my shoulder blades making me smile... You coming he ask.. I turned around smiling at him I took his hand going to the bed taking my shirt off laying down again he immediately laid his head on my chest and I pull his leg to test on my waist running my hands up and down his back "I love you" he whispered.. I love you more Sammy and with that we fall asleep

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