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Colbys pov
I feel so damn bad that I have to hide stuff from sam and I can see how sad and worried he is probably also suspicious but I want to plan anything without him knowing before I talked to all his and my friend I have left and I talked to his parents for now it's coming Tara, jake, corey, devyn, Kevin, retachi, and his parents I got the location and food now I only have to wait for the approval from the honeymoon place and our tuxedo's I texted Sam's parents to get us some I showed them which one and they get them for us I'm so excited but also so nervous I have the place to ask him already and the rings Sam's parents got them for me also I really love his parents they helped me so much I can never thank them enough and of course they are so happy and excited but for now I have to stop all the suspicious behavior or sam will probably leave me instead of marry me I turned around in bed pressing my chest on his back wanting to just hold him I woke up 20 min ago just looking at him and realizing how lucky I am to have him in my life God I love him so much he turnes over nuzzling in my chest making me smile like a dork I run my finger tips up and down his arm softly just looking at him like a simp "what are you starring at" he mumbled with a giggle "you" I whispered he opened his beautiful eyes looking at me I smiled brushing the hair out of his eyes "I love you so fucking much you know that" I said looking at his lips for a sec he mouth curved in to a smile "I love you so fucking much to" he giggled again "what would you say about a little day out today just us some breakfast going shopping some lunch and in the evening I take you on a dinner date" I ask he looked at me smiling so wide "really I would love that very much but what about cinnamon" he ask I ask your parents yesterday they take him for the Day so you want to I ask "yes I would love to he said jumping in to my arm I love to see him so happy" then let's get out of bed you get ready probably shower chance in to. Something nice and I bring cinnamon to your parents real quick "okay he smiled" but how nice " he added" the dinner is fancy so either bring a good shirt and chance later or put it on now " definitely bring one I know it will not stay cleen the whole day he said gigging making me laugh I walked out of the room after putting on a shirt walking to the door making cinnamons leash on" I'm going now if anything happens call me "I called okayyy he called back I walked out closing the door I walked the whole street to his parents needing more time then normal bc ofy foot of course when I got there the door was already open with Sam's mom standing there smiling" hey good boy you staying with us today " he mom said patting him his tail is wagging In excitement his dad walked out" here is what you ask for his dad said handing me the ring box " thank you so much for all your help" hey don't be silly we do anything for you both and if Sammy loves you we love you, you make him the happiest I've ever seen him " his mom said making my eyes water" oh btw before I forget can Sam's aunt and cousin come as well just the 2 he always loved them and I'm pretty sure he will be happy "of course if sam loves them they can, but I have to go before he gets suspicious" I laughed okay but tell us as soon as you ask please his mom squeaked in excitement making me and his dad laugh I will don't worrie I have to now I let you know all the new details bye I said hearing the door closing walking back to our house my hand around the ring box God I was so excited and anxious at the same time I hope anything goes well

"I'm home baby" I said I'm here he called from the bathroom I walked in seeing him making his hair I walked behind him kissing his neck "you look so beautiful baby" I whispered against it I see him smile through the mirror "I'm quickly shower as well okay" I said yeah of course and I get you a bag to put around your cast..... When I was done I walked in our room seeing sam trying to open my phone making me said and angry but also I understand I guess I walked back a few steps clearing my throat walking in the room and to my dresser " I'm almost done I said chancing in my underwear and pants and lastly I take a black button up shirt and putting it on I turned around looking at sam" looks okay " I ask his face unreadable between sad and happy" yes you look very handsome " he smiled" you really to go then " I ask him nodding okay let's go then I took my phone and wallet as well as the ring he takes the keys and we where on our way to get breakfast....

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