Let's Play

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Sam:hey im at home now are you good, how was your day

Colby:Hey I thought I never hear from you again :) I'm fine it was boring how are you

Sam:im good hey do you wanne play 21 questions ☺️

Colby:sure why not you start

Sam:okay what is your favorite color

Colby:black what's you favorite animal

Sam: dogs what is your biggest fear

Colby:getting old are you in an relationship

Sam:really same no I'm not sinc 2 weeks ago... What is your favorite food

Colby:oo im sorry,,,, sushi, what's in what part of LA do you live

Sam:hey no worries he was abusive... Near the Hollywood sine

Colby:I know how you felt 😔 really I live there to no way 😁 what is you job

Sam:so you have a abusive girlfriend.... I'm a youtuber

Colby: boyfriend... No way me too let's end this game and let's talk yes??

Sam:soo what you are saying is you are gay or bi

Colby: im bi yes I hope you don't hate me now 😔

Sam:noooo I would never I'm gay wood be bad If I did 😂 but why do you stay with him if I can ask you this

Colby:I don't really know maybe the fear of being alone or something, and I had nowhere to go

Sam:trust me colby I know actually how you feel but you don't need him and to be honest nobody deserves this and besides this you seems really nice

colby: I know this is reandom but would you send me a picture of you

Sam: oh God no I'm ugly

Colby:hey don't say something likes this I pet you not please I sent you one too I promise

Sam:okay only because I are so cute but you first


Sam:tibkolnvgjkmffz omg you are cute

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Sam:tibkolnvgjkmffz omg you are cute

Colby: thank you ☺️ now you



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Sam:what did I told you

Colby:no ugly whooooo you are so gorgeous damnnn your eyes whoa

Sam: stop.... You make me blush but thank you, your eyes are very pretty as well

Colby:hey it was really really nice to talk to you but I have to go to bed, I hope we can text again in the morning

Sam: okay  gnight colby x

Colby :good night Sam xx

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