Analysis over

Kazuto: I need to become stronger if I'm too have any shot at taking my teachers life this is what I've gotta do

Rio: I don't think I've ever seen you this serious

Kazuto: because what motivates me is knowing my hard work will be rewarded I know by doing this I'll become better there's nothing worse than working your hardest but still failing this way I know I can surpass my limits and that's what it'll take to kill that guy

Kazuto appeared serious but the look on his face showed excitement

Kazuto appeared serious but the look on his face showed excitement

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A lot later

Turns out whole Kazuto was off doing that korosensei messed up a flowerbed and now he's tied up on a tree branch and they are allowed to stab him

Kazuto: uhh alright

Karasuma: this is not what the ministry of defences had in mind

Kazuto: who cares if it works it works

He then falls off the branch

Kazuto grabs his knife and goes for a stab

He dodges it though

Kazuto: dam

Korosensei: oh crap oh crap my tentacles are all tangled up in the rope this is not what I had in mind! Stop it stop it! STOP IT

He jumps up on the roof of the building


Korosensei: haha what's the matter children can't jump this high oh wait of course not

The guy keeps laughing

Kazuto: TAKE THIS!

Kazuto tosses his knife with frightening accuracy

Korosensei being out of breath doesn't notice but just about dodges and and it takes out a tentacle

Kazuto: did I just do that?

Nagisa: someone landed a hit on korosensei


Itona: that was epic dude I had no idea you could do that

Kazuto: yeah well it comes from my dad being who he is

Kurasuma: you waited for the right moment and struck like a bolt of lighting

Karasuma ruffles Kazuto's hair

The blade within-Assassination classroom x male oc Where stories live. Discover now