Her family greet Gio and Chloe and then it's my turn and I'm shitting it because I want to make a good impression.

"Jude, this is my sister Iris." She introduces. I give her a warm hug and smile. She's very nice and inviting.

"Named after a plant." I highlight

"Yeah. This one's constantly jealous about it." She pokes fun at her sister, teasingly.

"No because why the hell did mum call you iris when you don't even like plants and flowers and shit." Harmony rolls her eyes.

"Because I was born first dummy." Iris teases

"Wasted name mate." Harmony laughs

"Your names nice harms." Her mum joins in grinning at both of her daughters.

"Eh." Harmony jokes and her mum playfully scowls at her. Just watching them I like their dynamic. They're like three sisters rather than mother and her two daughters.

Iris introduces me to her husband and kids. We share a few jokes back and forth that include teasing harmony which she hates but secretly loves because I see her smiling.

Harmony's mum walks over to me whilst I'm having a conversation with her eldest and pulls me aside.

"Harmony showed me the pictures of the private jet. The birthday decorations were so lovely Jude." She smiles

"Thank you Ms Simmons, just wanted her to have the best, you know." I smile

She nods touching my shoulder gently.

"You can call me Rose."

"Another flower name." I grin

"Yeah, harmony's fuming that she's the only one without one." Rose laughs

"I think harmony suits her really well. Very unique. Good, since she's a unique girl." I laugh

"Oh she's unique alright." Rose grins

"And bloody hard work." Rose adds

We both start laughing and then harmony walks over and joins us so we hold in a laugh, looking at each other.

"What are you two laughing about?" She quirks an eyebrow.

"Nothing." I lie looking away.

"Mum?" She turns to her mother

"Nothing darling." She playfully nudges her.

She looks between us. Skeptical. I can tell she doesn't buy it.

"You two look like you're getting on." She's fishing for answers. Bothers her that we won't tell her what we were laughing about. It's the nosey side of her peaking out.

"We're best friends now."

"First name basis and all." Rose states. I see where harmony gets her humour from.

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