Chapter 52- officially the most boring Target trip

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2150 words


I pick out an outfit but I'm stuck between two shirts so I put everything else on except the shirts and walk out the closet and turn off the light.

He's sitting on the corner of the bed like usual, cleaning his nails with his other nails. I do that too!

"I'll die if you don't help me right now."

His attention turns to me so quickly it's almost concerning. How does one move that fast?

"I need you to pick between these 2 shirts."

He relaxes and looks at me like I'm goofy before he answers. "The blue one."

I throw the back one on the shelf and untangle the blue one and put it on. Oh, it's sleeveless.

"This will not do," I mutter to myself and walk back in the closet.

I grab the black shirt and it's too small. So I sit on the floor annoyed and look through the clothes that I rarely ever wear to find something that works. It's only Wednesday, I can't be struggling this bad to find clothes only half way through break.

I find a shirt and take off the sleeveless one. He whistles. Soon as I turn around he looks away like he did nothing.

I put the damn shirt on and grab all the things I need.

Like the phones.

That's all.

"Ok let's go before it gets too late."

"10 am is too late?"

"Not yet. That's why we gotta go right now."

He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer, "and if we do not?"

"I'll get time anxiety."

I dunno if that's what it's called but if I don't get something done at a certain time I get horrible anxiety and have a breakdown. I don't know how to stop it.

He kisses the back of my hand and stands up, "alright, let's go then."

Heh. I'm so tiny now. I look up at him and wrap my arms around his waist. "I love you so much."

He smiles and wraps his arms around me, "I love you more."

"Ain't no way."

"There is always a way."

"That is the most cliché thing you have ever said."

He quietly laughs and puts my sweater over me. I love my sweater. It's so damn old and barely even a sweater but I love it so damn much.

As much as Pikachu.

Yes, I love the sweater as much as I love Pikachu.

Now I wanna bring him with me.

"I wish people were less judgmental."


"So I could bring Pikachu with me to places and people not be so judgy."

"Bring him with. People would think you're amazing for being yourself."

"Or they could judge me."

"Let them have their cup of judgment. Who said you can't bring toys around with you?"

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