Chapter 23- Catch the flag but my stupid ass might die version

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2226 words


I did something.

Stupid? 100%

Well first I went to school and work.

Now I'm running around the streets at night with death's scythe and he's trying to get me.

I'm laughing so hard and scared from being chased but this is too fun. I know he can get it whenever he wants but he hasn't gotten me yet.

Now how did this happen?

Well after this special morning I went to school late and Athena was so happy to see me and I was happy to see here.

Then after school I went to work to help Sarah and she was happy to see me. After a few hours of helping I walked out the building and death appeared next to me.

We got into the topic of blades somehow and I told him his scythe is tiny and weighs nothing. He got offended and made it appear in his hand before handing it to me.

It wasn't small or light but that was part of the plan to hold it. It's decently heavy and much taller than me.

I just wanted to hold the beautiful thing. I looked at him, the scythe and him before running across the street with it. He quickly disappeared.

It was all impulsive.

And now I'm lost. I gotta stop getting lost over here. But it's the opposite way than the last time.

I'm getting chased this time too but I brought it upon myself. And now I'm running on adrenaline.

Thank god there's not really any people out at night.

Except for the idiot being chased by death cuz she took his scythe.

Things happen sometimes.

And now it's been half an hour and I'm about to pass out. I'm surprised I made it this far. I hate running and don't do it so I'm bad at it.

But I can't stop. What if he's mad at me? He disappeared before I could find out.

Oh fuck.

I'm an idiot. And terrified. Why don't I ever think of these things?

Is he mad? He's taking forever, what does this mean? Is he letting me torcher myself before he does? Did he go to his house and leave me?

I'd go to my apartment if that was the case but I have no idea where I am. Am I still in The back yards? I've never been over here.

And running with a heavy scythe that's a foot taller than me isn't that easy either.

I'm not laughing anymore. Now I'm panicking. Where the fuck am I?

Someone wraps an arm around my waist, and I scream absolutely terrified. A hand wraps around my mouth and now I'm hyperventilating.

Wait, I know this hand with black jagged lines and stupidly sharp black nails.

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.

It starts snowing. What the hell? Why snow?

I tilt my head back to see the sky but instead see death staring at me with a giant evil smile. I freeze.

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