Chapter 32- There was yet again more crying

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2289 words


I look around and see the night.

Did I fall asleep at Athena's? What happened? I use my arms to sit up because I feel absolutely horrible.

I don't remember almost anything but I swear I'm not drunk. I've never gotten drunk. I look around. Oh this is my dull room.

How did I get here? I look next to me and all around to see no Death. Well for being so clingy this morning he sure isn't now.

Did I do something wrong? I don't wanna do anything wrong.

I get off the bed with horrible balance and look for my phone. I found it on my couch. How did it get there?

I inspected it, "you alive or something? Always leaving me."

I check the time and it's 9 am. Ok so it's the next day. This feels like I'm living in 'Last Friday Night' but alone.

Damn my memory really does suck.

I walk to the bathroom and use my phone as a light because I don't feel like being blinded even more. I look in the mirror.

I'm in my clothes from yesterday. Something isn't right. I can't sleep in pants or a shirt with sleeves. And I'm alone with no memory.

Oh my God I killed someone. A demon possessed me and I killed someone.

This is gonna be my 13th reason.

I walk back to the room with my phone turned off and see Death sitting on the edge of the bed staring out the window wearing those stupid leather pants. Well I'm not alone anymore.

I walk closer. He has the same face of when I first met him. Emotionless with sinister eyes. I've actually never noticed the difference till right now.

I don't like it. He looks threatening.

I stand next to him and boop his nose. He faces me and the stoic face disappears. He just now looks disappointed.

Maybe I did a really bad job killing the person.

He intertwined his hands on the curve of my back and leaned his forehead on my stomach.

Ok, maybe a lack of cuddles makes him depressed...? I play with his hair. That usually works.

"Are you ok?"


"You wanna talk about it?"


He's so quiet and it's making me worried.

Maybe I'm the one that died and he's disappointed in my horrible living skills. I'd be disappointed too.

I put my hands on his shoulders and lean him back but he still looks down. I put the back of my hand under his chin and made him look up at me. He avoids eye contact.

I crawl on him and straddle him before wrapping my arms under his.

"What did I do?"

He shakes his head.

"Tell me what happened then. I don't remember anything."

He hides his face against my chest, "no."

"Tell me."

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