Chapter 2- a weird dream

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2014 words


Today is gonna be a great day. It's Christmas and I'm home and with my family. I love my family. If only Christmas felt like Christmas I'd be even more happy but it's fine. There's no school for 2 weeks. Yay.

I roll over and look at the wall, the clock says noon or I could be reading it wrong and it's 1 am. There's too much noise for 1 am. This is gonna be boring. I get outta my amazing bed that is only comfy when I gotta get up.

Gracie waddles in the room. Awe my fat baby. I sit up and pet her as she rubs her ass against the bed and smiles all crazy. She's so sweet. I love her. I love her so much.

The sun is as bright as it gets in the winter, it's so refreshing. I get out of the bed and Gracie starts barking, wagging her tail and watching me. She does her little dancy dance while walking out the room very happily.

I get my clothes and go to the bathroom and get ready for the day. I look in the mirror. My hair is pretty. I like only my hair and eyes. It would be nice if my hair wasn't damaged though. Dying it doesn't help.

I hung out with my family for the day. We open presents, eat a ton of food, talk and bother each other. I love them so much. They're so nice. Aaleyah kept bothering me. She is always botherin' me, she's never gonna grow up.

I lay on the floor in the front room, watching the ceiling fan spin high in the air. College is horrible, it's hell and prison and everything horrible. I'm in debt and have no time to do anything and there's too much work. It's almost over.

There's clattering behind me, it aparoches. Iggy starts sniffing my face before licking my forehead. Ew. I give him a smooch back. He puts his gray crusty, musty, dusty paw on my face. "Iggy get outta here." He started boxing me. I pushed him away. Goofy ol' dog.

Gracie comes over. Oh my God these dogs.

"Hello, baby."

She walks around me, wagging her tail and panting. She puts her paw on me too. I pet her fat little face and she lays down next to me, and does the hanky panky on her back. Her white fur is everywhere. Wiggling and shit. She's fat so it's even funnier.

I throw my arm over her and she starts sneezing. My face hurts now. Ow. I get up and dust all the fur off of my side. Now I have a minor headache. Thanks, gravity.

"She's happy," I tell mom as Gracie is still rolling all over the floor.

"Now there's fur everywhere, thanks." She looks annoyed as hell.

"You're welcome." I get more food because food is amazing. Food fixes everything.

I get my big fat Pikachu and go downstairs to my grandma. I love her, she's the most bestest person ever.

"Hello, Yaya." I sit in the chair next to her.


We watch tv and talk for a bunch of hours till late at night and I get tired.

I'm always tired. Damn that's depressing. I should be less tired, ain't anybody got time for that. I should be responsible and do my homework but I won't. It isn't important enough. Watching YouTube is more important.

No wonder my grades are shit. 85s are horrendous and disgusting numbers. Should bribe the professors.

Would churros work? If I was one it would. Each test would be a different food for the students to bring me, I won't have to buy food. I should do that.

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