Chapter 11- The surprise sleepover

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Surprise shawty! :)

^ Who said this?

Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story

2873 words. Same as last chapter lol.


"He's so arrogant. 'The great and almighty god'." He air quotes.

"How come?"

"Well- actually no, I'm not going to make you hate him and switch your beliefs just because I don't get along with his ancient ass."

That's actually considerate. So nice.

"Tell me anyways, I want to know what you think."

"It's not what I think, I used to work for his majesty." He shakes his head at the majesty part.

I walk across the street, opposite from the direction of the 2nd turn around the block. The later in the night the worse it gets by busy streets.

"Then what you say will be more accurate. I want to know how he's arrogant."

He walks to the other side of me putting me between him and the building walla again before throwing an arm over my shoulders. I almost fell from the force.

"My crippled butterfly, do you ever stop being so stubborn when someone doesn't want to talk about something?"

"Well, it depends on the person. If family then no till they threaten me but usually yes for friends. Sometimes for my closest friends. It also depends on the situation, it it's serious then yes but if it's something goofy or not than-"

Gunshots go off too close for comfort. Usually I'm in my bed asleep and mom would tell me what happened throughout the night. Not when I'm fucking outside a few blocks away from safety.

I get flashbacks from years ago, "ight, time to go home."

I try to turn around but he keeps his arm on my shoulders. Is he going to kill me? I start to panic.

Suddenly in the blink of an eye faint shiny black mist covers us before I appear in the laundry room.

Dazed, I turn around to thank him but I'm alone again. I awkwardly look around before picking up the dog leashes and hanging them on the hat tree holder thing behind the door.

"Well that was weird." I lock the first door, walk up the 5 steps and lock the 2nd door.

Everything looks so normal that I almost forgot everything that happened almost a day ago. It's so eerie to think about so I don't think about it.

I get ready for bed before going to bed. Everyone else is asleep. I check my phone while laying in bed with the blanket scrunched under the arch of my back because it feels nice.

I saw a text from mom from 8 minutes ago that Yaya came home. I respond to Athena's rightfully worried text and tell her everything is better and I'll see her Monday.

The past days have been too confusing and tiring. I don't even remember most of this week. Like every day until death tricking me with a shadow man. Then even past that is a blur.

I just let whatever happens happen. It's all too much to sort out so I'll go along. I don't know what's going to happen by Monday, I don't know what's going to happen after or what my life will be like.

I want to know what'll happen. In the case of whether I'll be happy or not. The whole surprise element is intriguing.

And the weird pull I have to the man that I know nothing about. I know he's tall and full of muscles and has a scythe.

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