Chapter 49- What was she reading???

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story

1972 words


"Love, what are you reading for this kind of behavior to happen?" She hasn't sat still for longer than 3 seconds in the past hour.

She turns around and stares in my direction till her eyes adjust to the phone light not being in her red face. "Nothin… just a good story I found."

I sat up next to her, "what's it about?"

"Two people falling in love, yeah."

She squeals as I pull her between my legs and wrap my arms around her, she puts her hands over mine. I kiss her shoulder, "I love you." More than words can express.

She turns to me with a giant smile on her face, "I love you too," she turns back with a quiet voice, "I'ma never get used to saying it."

I rub the outer side of her left thigh, farthest from me. "Too bad because I will never stop telling you and you will never stop saying it back."

"That's so sweet. You're so sweet. I don't know what to do now."

"Tell me what you're reading."

I feel the heat rise on her skin, "uhm that isn't so sweet so let not ruin the moment."

"But you have me intrigued, what's not so sweet?"

"Everyone, uhhh, was sharing their trauma and bonding then… they all dropped dead from the evil witch that cursed them. Yep."

Her voice and body language does not match those words. Her voice is higher pitched and she is fidgety, she keeps the palms of her hands away from me and her toes are twitchy.

"You are reading a romance book and they're fucking, aren't they?"

She gasp, "I would do no such thing," she drawls out.

"Are you sure?"


"You are a horrible liar."

"Am not, I'm not lying."

"Then why are you sweating?"

"Because I have a sweating disorder and you are wrapped around me like a burrito, mister."

"Or you are lying."

She closes the app, "never ask someone what they're reading."

"You know people who say that? People reading sex scenes."

"Stop ittttt," she squeals, completely flustered and puts a blanket over herself and partially me.

She is so adorable. "Do not get embarrassed, it is completely normal. I'm sure almost everyone has read a scene like that, your friends, family, Pika-"

She throws the blanket over me, "stop making me have all these images in my head you weirdo. You're driving me mad."

I pull it off to the side, "I know."

"Then stop."


"I'ma beat you."

"In what way?"

She grabs my hand, "look here you weirdo, I was trying to read a story that actually looks interesting for once and you be making it weird as hell."

"We can reenact the interesting story if you want." I air quoted the word interesting with my free hand before going back to rubbing her thigh.

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