Chapter 38- Do I love you?

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Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2038 words


He looks down at me so quickly I'm surprised his neck didn't snap.

He just looks at me puzzled for the longest time. Did I say the wrong thing? Maybe I don't love him. How is this supposed to work and how am I supposed to feel? His silence is killing me. It's making my anxiety grow so bad.

"Did I hear you right?" He says so quietly and in disbelief.

"I don't know, what did you hear...?" I'm scared for some reason.

"You think you love me?"

I nod.

He thinks for a moment, "why?"

"Because you are so nice to me, well now you are, like super superior nice and I don't know another word but like the highest form of nice and I love nice people."

He softly smiles, "What type of love?"

"There's types? I don't know."

"Then explain what makes you feel this way."

I'm excited. I've read stories with moments like this, well from the wholesome ones. And I've been thinking of this for a week or 2. I squeal before starting my very well, last second, thought out speech.

"Like right now, you are talking to me. I love talking and you don't get mad at me for my talking like all the other people. I love your way with words. Like you should be a poet or something because you give the best compliments that make me want to cry an ocean."

My voice softens," And I love how you pay attention and act like it's no big deal because guys usually don't pay attention or care for someone like that. You help me and my dumb ass so much but never get mad."

He flinched when I said the last line.

"I love when you try to kill me with kisses. It is like one of the nicest feelings I can get that isn't from nature. You somehow get me to a place that I didn't even know was possible in such a fun way and when you don't judge me if I make a weird noise or something happens and I don't know if it's supposed to happen or not and you explain in a way my dumb ass can understand without making me feel stupid."

I take my hands and cup them around his face so he has to stay looking at me, "And I love when you talk to me. When you open up about your feelings even though it might take a while. When you tell me about anything at all, just enough so you feel better. I love how normal it feels, it should be normal, people should talk about their problems because it's healthy. I love when you let me think about what you said and don't act awkward about it after. I love when you don't expect help when I don't know how to help even though I said I would. I love how you are open enough for me to know you better."

I wipe a single tear away from his beautiful skin.

"I love how you are so gentle and soft, and squishy, mainly how you actually care about the things around you. I love how you say life is beautiful and those few times we would walk on the street, those few times you would always look at the pigeons or try and hold me back from chasing the squirrels." I boop him on the nose for that. "You are so fucking sweet to everything."

Alright, last thing because I'm out of breath,"I love how you handle your job with such care even when it pains you so much. You don't let the poor people die with uneased souls even though they bother you so much."

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