Chapter 8- Spider or Butterfly?

9 6 47

Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams
Bold- author talking
Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character
Normal- normal story

1741 words


There's a huge ass spider.

HUGE. Like Australian size.

Right on the side of the tub.

I just stare at it.

It stares back. Then it starts crawling to me.

I slowly walk out with my hands up. I turn and walk to the back of the couch.

"There's this huge ass spider and it LOOKED at me! Then it started crawling to me!"

He looks away from the TV and to me, "so?"

"Get rid of it! It's fucking massive and furry!"

He sighs before getting up and walking over to the bathroom. I follow him.

He leans against the door frame taking the whole space.

"Do you see it?" I ask behind him.

"Of course I do."

"Get rid of it."

"She's just a baby."

"A baby?!? The fucker's body is big as my fingers!"

He goes that low laugh thing before walking over to the tub and picking up the spider.

"I'm not going to murder a baby." He holds her up to hif face before holding his hand out to me.

"Say hi to her." He fucking pets the damn spider.

"I ain't talking to no damn spider."

"But she's so cute." He takes a long lazy step to me and holds the spider in front of me.

She looks at me and blinks.

I look at her stunned.

"Hold her."


"Your dad owned a 20 year old tarantula bird spider hybrid that was 3 times bigger than her and you were obsessed with it when you were little. Don't act like this isn't new to you and hold the damn spider before I put her on your face."

I forgot about Godzilla. It died when I was between 3-5 I don't remember.

I loved the damn thing as much as every animal I grew up with.

I put my hand under his giant sleeve covered hand. He tips his hand up so the spider crawls on to my hand.

I look at the spider and she looks back at me. All her little eyes are triggering my trypophobia.

"Take her back."

I put the spider in his hands and he walked out petting the spider.

I close the door and look in the mirror at my chubby face. My hair looks messy as it normally does at the end of the day. There's bags under my eyes and my face is sorta clear from acne.

I turn on the shower and make sure the door is closed.


I walk.

And walk.

And walk.

Those three steps to the front room from the bathroom.

I sit on the edge of the couch cuz he's sprawled out across is like he owns the damn thing.

"Want nachos?" He holds a plate in front of me.

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