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Isaiyah Hunter

"Ay fuck" I curse under my breath as I get off the couch and move towards our bedroom. I can feel each and every fucking muscle in my lower body practically aching and begging for help. My ass is struggling to even get up and move about while Niko has practically been in the gym for over 2 hours. Dude practically got up super early in the morning jumped out of the bed buck naked and hit the gym, while I didn't even brush till now.

Polar opposites only god.

As I make my way out of the washroom I hear my phone ring and see that its Lucca calling, I answer the call and place the phone against my ears.

"hey, wassup" I make my way near the window and push open the curtains to let the light fall into the room.

"thank god you're awake. by the way you're sister is the most heaviest sleeper I ever know and this bitch wont even wake up" I scrunch my eye brows at the thought of both of them sleeping together. I'm happy for them that doesn't mean I need to know their every single doings as a couple , she is still my little sister.

"Lucca, come to the point already" I grunt as I fall ass first on to the bed. even my fucking ass hurts, that bitch.

bro you're on call, stop thinking about your ass hurting.

Right ya, sorry.

did you just say sorry to yourself.

shut up.

"okay coming to the point, its Niko's birthday in two days. Im sure that fucker didn't tell you about it yet. He is very quiet about such stuff. So I was planning of doing a small surprise party. You in?" holly fuck its his birthday in about a few days and I didnt even know about it. I need to get him a gift or something.

"ya I'm down definitely. Who all are we calling, just close family and friends right. Ooh what about your uncle, why cant we invite him also for this?" ive heard so many stories of the guy who actually raised him instead of his dad and I want to meet him.

"I would really love to do that but his uncle has gone off grid for about years now and its not easy to find his location. Honestly he had his reasons to go off the grid so none of us has tried to contact him. I mean he has been there for all of us, the least we can do is give him his space." hmm okay this has got me thinking.

Why dont I do something different this year for a gift.

"what's your uncle full name. I've never heard what his name is." I can basically hear the wheels in my head turning as im gonna try and make this happen.

Isaiyah I'm pretty sure the uncle likes his private space and time being off the grid you know.

Ya I know but I can try to get him here for his birthday right.

You are no man's peace.

Tell me something I don't know bro.

"Michelle Savier Knight, you can try finding him but it will mostly be of zero luck. Even though ive said I didn't try searching for him I really did try. I hired the best PI's available and searched but couldnt find him" I could hear his resigned sigh all the way to the other side of the phone.

"you might have tried but I'm Isaiyah Hunter and I have my connections in every nook and crook possible, so let me handle this. Dont you dare fucking spill a word about this to anyone Lucca, not even Alana" if anyone finds out about this itll be spoiled and I cant risk that.

"okay fuck, my god. Dont worry, I wont spill bro" I quickly mutter a bye to him and get to work. I take a quick bath ans decide to call upon Callum to get me info on Niko's uncle. As soon as I was about to call Callum I see my husband walk in, sweat dripping all the way down his body. as soon as I see him making his way to me , I know what his intentions are.

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