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We both just finished our dance and are now watching the others dance, I take a sip of my drink talking to the guy next to me about some stupid deal he wants to fix

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We both just finished our dance and are now watching the others dance, I take a sip of my drink talking to the guy next to me about some stupid deal he wants to fix. Isaiyah has a smile on her face as she looks at the other couples dancing.

Once the guy convinced me to fix one meeting with him through which he can discuss the benefits of the deal, he gets up and leaves.

Thank heavens finally.

I look down at Isaiyah who looks like she is in shock , I can hear her uneven and shallow breaths and I look down to see her hands that is shaking like fuck crazy.

"Isaiyah are you okay?"

She looks at me and nods "ya I jus-just want to get some fresh air, ple-please excuse me" what did she just sttuter, the Isaiyah I know never stutters. She doesnt let me speak and heads outside.

I know for a matter of fact something is definitely wrong, I head out following her just to make sure she is okay, I see her walking outside all alone.

Her entire body looks so stiff and tense as she moves around  "Isaiyah" I call out her name but she doesnt turn around, she just stops walking for a second but doesnt turn around. I keep on calling her name but its like she can't hear me.

She suddenly stops walking, she puts her hand on the pillar next to her. I catch up to her immediately, "tesoro" before I could even speak she collapses, I hold onto her before she hits the floor.

"Fuck Isaiyah hold on, god" her forehead is glistening with sweat, and it looks like she was crying.

Fuck what the hell got her this frightened that she passed out, I immediately pick her up and head to the cars. I put her down on the seat and lay my blazer around her arms, I get into the car and check her pulse "Oh god" her pulse are really weak.

I drive as fast as I can to the house rushing through all the traffic at this time of the day.

I pick her up and rush to set her down on our bed. I take out my stethescope and check her heart beat, her blood pressure and check her pupils. Looks like she passed out of weakness and stress maybe, fuck did she even eat anything the whole day. I didnt see her eat anything, why would she be so stupid to not eat.

I set down the my stethescop to the side as my hand goes to her forehead to check wether she has gotten a fever or not. Her body temperature looks fine to me for now.

I sigh as I get up and head to the washroom to wash my face, I look up into the mirror and see the same pair of grey eyes that has haunted me through out my entire life.

Whatever it, is wherever I go it's like those same cold, dark and inhumane greys eyes seems to be following my every move, judging and scrutinizing everything that I do.

Why did I get his eyes. It's like a punishment of some sort, I might have moved on but I will always carry those memories with me.

I leave out an exhausted sigh.

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