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Isaiyah Morano
Recap:I load up a gun with bullets before handing it to Nikolai. When the car behind us starts firing. FUCK

I roll down the windows on my side and bend over , so that I can shoot either the tires or the guy himself. "Fuck who are these men" I pull the trigger as I lock my target in , ducking back in into the car when I see Nikolai doing the same while driving the car. I see we are driving into a more crowded street so we can loose them, but they somehow catch up to us.

" Isaiyah behind you" I immediately point my gun outwards pulling the trigger which hit him right under his collar bone. I see more of their cars starting to surround us.

"Nikolai more of their cars are catching up to us" I bend towards the bag placed on my feet to grab another gun . After loading the guns I see the car pull up right next to me with both the men inside pointing the guns at us.

" Fuck duck, duck" I say as I see one of them pull their trigger at us ,I pull the trigger on both the guns which injures both of them  leading to their car to hit another corner and stop right there. Fuck we are heading on a clear street , they can easily catch up to us. I see another car pull up next to Nikolai , he is loading his gun and trying not to crash the car somewhere , so I fucking shoot that bastard. Our condition doesn't look so good now , we alone are fighting against what like 6 other cars. I see another guy aiming his gun at us through the side mirror just as he is about to pull the trigger , I aim my gun at him and shoots bullseye. I see two cars pull up next to me and Niko, we both point our guns and pulls the trigger at the same time " SO FUCKINGG COOL" I scream when I see both the cars crash into a corner and Niko looks at me like I'm crazy.

We are on the edge of the bridge towards my side, so no one can come up to me or towards my window. Whereas Niko still has cars catching up to him, I climb out of my seat wincing because of the pain in my ankle now and go over to Niko's stradling him before I start aiming and shooting at the motherfuckers. "TAKE THAT YOU DICK SUCKING ASSHOLES" I'm practically overwhelmed with the adrenaline rush in my body. I hear Niko let out a laugh to what I just commented. He pulls a trigger at a car which comes towards my empty seat while I keep on shooting at the ones which catch up to us, woah a car just blasted off into flames.

I realize there is the sun roof in this car , "Nikolai open the sun roof immediately" he does exactly as I say

do what I say im daddy, not the right moment.

I climb on top of the seat in between and see that I have a prefect view of all the cars in front of me. Just three cars that's all, this is Childs play for me now. I take out two grenades which had been there in the bag ,I can use it now since no one else is there in the streets besides us. I throw two of them aiming at the 2 cars the farthest from us, 5,4,3,2,1 BOOM.

" 2 down 1 to go" I take out the one gun which I have been wanting to use since this whole shooting fiasco started.

The sniper ,"lets fire this baby up ", I get on top again and aim it at the last remaining car before pulling the trigger

"AND THATS HOW WE DO IT IN HERE BITCHES" you need to calm down ,heck I know I have to.

"That was fucking awesome, Nikolai stop the car" he makes a swift turn and stop it . I get out of the car practically rushing outside while ignoring the shooting pains coming from my ankle now, I go to admire the view of the damage that we have caused.

This is fucking insane, lets do more stuff like this "TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES, WOHHOOO THIS FEELS AMAZING" I see Niko assessing the damage with a grin on his face.

I probably look like a 3 year old kid in a candy store right now , but I don't give a damn fuck at this point, " lets do this all over again."

I hear Nikolai laughing to my reaction "You're fucking insane do you know that."
I just cannot process whatever just went down right now , its all so fucking crazy.

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