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Christofer Reed is a dead man and he will die a slow and a painful death.

I cannot belive she let him walk free after everything he did to her. The years of trauma and that feeling of having your life snatched by you is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Isaiyah told me everything that had happened, everything that he did to her.

"He used to rape me, it first begin during my 16th birthday. He planned the whole day out and made the day very special but I had no clue about his intentions and what he had planned for that night. I was dumb and I thought he loved me and I thought I loved him"

I feel the blood in my veins boiling and simmering as I slowly start remembering each and everything she had said.

"He used to complain when I used to eat so much that I would get chubby and gain weight. He used to make sure I kept a check on what I was eating. Gradually I stopped eating things I would like, I used to throw up things I used to eat and I used to workout throughout the day. I started loosing weight drastically each week and at a point I was found unconscious in my room by Callum. He figured out about the excess weight loss and found out about my eating disorder, he told Alana about it but I begged him not to tell anyone. My eating habits improved but I still tend to not eat from time to time"

My fists clench so hard that my knuckles turn white. I can't believe the reason why she developed an eating disorder was because of a fucking guy .

"Christofer used to beat me at times, if I ever disobeyed him when he invited me to his meetings and if he found me talking to his colleagues especially men, then I would be invited home by his belt"

I punch my hand against the wall as every thing she had told me yesterday night started coming back to me. Just because of that fucker she doesn't eat, she has low iron levels. She easily gets dizzy whenever she doesn't eat and she throws up.

He made her hate herself when there is not a single thing about her that I would say is flawed.

She is perfect in every way she is. Even the things she considers as flaws about herself I love. I love that women.

Oh my god, I love her.

I love her. What the hell.

She gnawed her way into my heart and took complete ownership of me. She doesn't even know how far I would go for her.

What have you done to me Isaiyah?

I quickly call up Lucca and within just a few rings he picks up the call.

"I need all the info you can get about Christofer Reed. His adress, workplace, family members. Anything you can find on him, I need it immediately." I am fucking coming for you Christofer Reed and you better be careful, because I will rain hell on you.

The Death Of Me| (TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt