Untitled Part 55

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when Deshawn ran into some of his former friends.

They made a big deal about him being friends with Asian people and him being married to someone Asian and how he's a traitor to his own culture and must assume he's Asian or something

"I'm only of four black scientist at my job, I have to deal with white people at work who assume I'm not smart enough to work there, I have to deal with neighbors who have threaten to call the police on me, I still get followed in stores sometimes, I'm reminded that I'm not just a person I'm a black person in a country where my existence is a problem to white people. "Said Deshawn.

"So you could of had the perfect black family. "

"I do have it it's called the family I grew up in now I'm in a mix family also I have two mixed adopted kids who will have deal with a world that doesn't like them people assume they're smart because they're Asian but also assume they're up to no good because they are Black, people will assume because they're black that they're good at sports but also people assume they bad drivers or cheap or untrustworthy because they are Asian that's a crappy thing to deal with, hate crimes suck even more when you have extra stuff added to you that causes more hate to have." Said Deshawn .

Deshawn as had to deal with people telling him he's not black enough because of his job, who he hangs out with and who's he's married too.

Kian kind of understands in his way when people tell him he's not Asian enough because of these same things.

Their kids gets both of it and then some.

Kian is told he's not Asian enough because he's artist, because he's gay and because he's married to someone outside of his race.

Also because he doesn't act like the harmful stereotype that so many people from his culture who grew up with strict parents think is normal.

His parents never beat him, he was never forced to kneel on a bag of rice.

End of flashback.

The end for now.

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