Untitled Part 20

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Deshawn went to see where Kian was.

Kian told him everything that happened.

"I guess you're just so handsome that everyone wants you guess I'm the lucky one. "Said Deshawn.

They kissed.

"Can you kiss your boyfriend somewhere else some of us are trying to study. "Said Damon.

"Don't you have a Trek war thing to watch. "Said Deshawn

Damon rolled his eyes.

Damon Adams one of the nerdy white boys in Deshawn class.

Damon is a science major- just picture the most annoying white nerdy boy you from a tv show you can think of.

He's a Physic major.

 Deshawn is a geology major- he wants to study rocks, mineral and gemstones. 

 He think science is super awesome.

Kian doesn't understand any of that stuff.

He's a artist not a scientist 

Damon said something else rude.

"You're just mad because no one wants your dusty *ss ."Said Deshawn.

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