Untitled Part 16

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Eden was down.

Marcy cheated on him and he's so angry right now.

So he tried to write songs on his ukulele to fix his spirits.

He plays the guitar and ukulele but could only pack one of them.

He heard a knock on the door.

He puts the ukulele down and goes to open the door.

"I'm looking for Kian. "Said Kora.

"Oh he's not here but I can leave a message. "Said Eden.

"He left his English textbook in my dorm when he was over there with Deshawn. "Said Kora.

Eden takes the textbook.

"I'm Kora Mato by the way. "Said Kora.

"Eden Kealoha. "Said Eden.

"Nice meeting you, I like your shirt." Said Kora.

"Thanks. "Said Eden.

Kora left.

Eden was upset by his breakup but a attractive guy saying he likes his shirt made his day a little better.

Kora went back to his dorm.

"I have never seen him before but he's really cute maybe he's single I hope he likes guys. "Said Kora.

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