Untitled Part 19

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Kian got a text from Meghan.

Those two are friends.

Meghan doesn't have feelings for her ex.

She now with a girl name Iris Maxwell- a girl she met her college.

Iris looks like those girls who's the definitions of pretty girl, black girl magic, Miss Independent, black goddess and hair done nail done everything done.

That upset Meghan's religious parents but then their focus was on other things like her brother getting his girlfriend pregnant which she and her other brother were kind of happy about because now their parents have other things to worry about than their Sapphic daughter and gay son.

Kian has met Iris before when he and Meghan met up once to go thrift shopping.

Iris is tall, dark skin, wears her hair in two big puffs, she's not skinny but not plus sized either.

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