Untitled Part 25

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October rolled around.(so a month later)

Their college was having this big celebration like a homecoming.

There would be a dance and a football game also a bunch of other stuff- this wasn't like a hbcu homecoming thing this was different since it didn't celebrate any cultures.

Which meant that Daxton and Deshawn would both be busy with football.

Kian's a cheerleader so he would be busy.

Vance is in the marching band so he's busy.

Tris was going because three of his friends will be there(he think of Deshawn as a friend.)and also he really like Daxton.

Eden and Kora were going because their friends would there, those two are counting that dance as a first date.

Braiden plays baseball which is a spring sport- he looks like he would play basketball or football but he doesn't play either sports he's also grungy.

Tris was sitting next to some of his cooking friends.

One of them made a comment about Daxton.

Saying that a guy like him shouldn't be a fashion major.

They assumed all he made was Gym clothes and hoodies.

"He makes fantasy outfits I have modeled some of them. "Said Tris. 

They laugh even more.

Tris showed them some of the designs.

Instead of being impressed they laughed even more.

Daxton saw this and was so upset.

He likes Tris and to find this out it's so upsetting.

Tris was angry at his so call friends for this crap and didn't find anything funny.

He didn't want to talk to Tris after this.

Their college had this festival thing as well as the dance.

It was fun.

Tris was still trying to get Daxton to talk to him but it wasn't working.

Tris didn't know what to do right now.

They weren't dating but he really likes him and thinks he's amazing.

He had a idea.

"Can you help me. "Said Tris.

"Why me. "Said Kian.

"You have a boyfriend, you're in a healthy relationship. "Said Tris.

"Fine. "Said Kian.

"Also you're my best friend. "Said Tris.

"When did I agree to this ."Said Kian.

Tris is Kian's best friend they just didn't say it.

Tris took one of Daxton's outfits he made and put in on.

Daxton went looking for it and found Tris wearing it.

"Why are you wearing this. "Said Daxton.

"Because I like it, all your designs are amazing. "Said Tris.

Daxton didn't believe him.

"I really like you okay, you're creative, funny and very cute, I stopped being friends with my cooking friends because they hurt someone I like and care about ."Said Tris.

Daxton didn't want to believe him- no way does Tris like him.

"My dads told me if you like someone you should tell them even if they don't like you back, they also taught me that no one owe you romance or your feeling being returned I know you're not into me and that's okay I can live with this, no one owes me romance." "Said Tris.

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