Untitled Part 42.

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Time jump.

The day of the wedding.

A lot of noise in the Hong's house.

Kian is getting dressed as his sister does his hair.

His mom is chatting with one of his aunties about something.

Kian is dressed in a floral printed shirt, a blazer, shoes and suit pants.

He has some makeup on.

He this small little bowtie on the kind people with uniforms.

His sister Mary's outfit is a vintage looking dress with t straps heels and her hair in curls, she loves vintage clothes but hate vintage values, her husband was busy helping her dad with something.

Riley is in the room wearing a black suit with with boots because getting him to wear dress shoes is a mess, his hair is still long and dyed red, he's on his phone looking at his work schedule and seeing stuff at his job- he's a teacher(if it's different in Cinnamon and Spikes just ignore it.)also he had a text from his boyfriend from earlier saying he just arrived at the place where the wedding will be- he was couldn't be there at the house because of traffic and also because of other stuff and he didn't want to distract him.

Suwon sat in there, drinking some water and looking at his phone, his husband outside helping Mr. Hong with something.

Their mother wanted to take a photo of her kids.

The groomsmen were in Kian's old room getting dress.

His groomsmen were-Tris, Julie and Kora also he asked his brother Riley to be a groomsmen because it could be a bonding thing also Riley asked if it was okay also he wants to get to know his brother's friends more but then the suit he was going to wear ripped so he just wore what ever suit he could find at the house since there wasn't any time to sew it.

Meanwhile at Deshawn's parents' house.

Deshawn's mother was making ice tea for anyone who wants them while everyone got dressed.

"I know how to braid hair. "Said Jess.

Deshawn's groomsmen were Daxton, Jess and Vance also he asked his sister if she wanted to be a groomsmaid and she said no, so he asked one of his female cousin instead.

Deshawn was having his hair braided that took two hours to get it just right.

He was dressed- his outfit was one of those alternatives to suits type wedding outfits.

He looked good.

His jacket was a dark deep purple color that matched his pants, his shirt was a black button up and he had slip on shoes because dress shoes are boring.

He also had these deep purple stuff in his braids.

He walked outside.

His parents both looked like very happy for him.

He met up with his groomsmen and his groomsmaid

All of them were in a jewel tone purple color outfits 

The wedding wasn't costly- finding a place that does buffet style for a wedding that wouldn't cost a arm or a leg, next finding the place to have the wedding, a outdoor garden place, the venue for the reception- a dance hall one of Deshawn's aunts owns

When they all arrived there.

The two grooms walked down the aisle then they faced each other.

After saying vows, they said I do and kissed.

When they had their first dance, the song "Lets get married." played- you know that nineties song that plays at a lot of black weddings.

They even came up with their own dance that they practiced.

There was a banner that said welcome Mr and Mr. Greene on it that hang up above the door.

They flipped a quarter a few months ago to see who's last name they would use and it landed on heads so Greene it is.

Deshawn still can't believed that he and Kian are married.

He loves Kian so much- they didn't have to get married but they wanted to get married for a while.

Saving up for this wedding took a whole year to do but it was worth it.

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