Untitled Part 5

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Kian told his parents about the cheerleading thing.

He never wanted to be a cheerleader but they need guys for the squad and he's very strong for a skinny guy.

So he puts on some sweats and goes to practice.

He doesn't know how Meghan feels about him- does she hate him is one he wonders.

Meghan doesn't hate him because he didn't do anything to her.

Also he's been nothing but nice to her- not to trick her but because she hasn't done anything to him.

Home coming was coming up next month.

Also that meant spirit week.

The Cheerleaders and Football players where assigned a member and would decorate their locker and make them something.

It use to be a cheerleader only thing but someone pointed out how sexist it was given how there weren't many girls on the football team or boys on the cheer squad so it just felt like girls giving gifts to guys which felt gross.

So now it's now inclusive.

Deshawn was hoping he would get his girlfriend name because he had so many ideas plans.

He hoped he didn't get Kian name at all.

He got Kian's name and wasn't happy at all.


Kian got Deshawn's name.

They both weren't happy at all.

Deshawn found out who got Meghan's name and wanted to trade with him but they said no.

Kian tried to trade with someone but same thing happened.

Kian knew what Deshawn liked but Deshawn is his ex.

Deshawn knew what Kian liked but Kian is his ex and Meghan is his girlfriend.

Kian's locker door was fixed.

Instead being thoughtful and coming up with good ideas instead 

Deshawn put some ribbon on Kian's locker and gave him a basket that had a box of Almond Joys in it, nothing else but Almond Joys.

Kian hates Almond Joys and Deshawn knew this- it was pay back for blaming him about the locker thing and art thing- they still don't know who did it.

Kian he put green ribbon and put a box of black licorice in a basket.

Deshawn hates black licorice, he said it taste like what he pictures tires tasting like.

It was payback for accusing him of being jealous and the milk thing.

They both weren't happy.

"I wanted Meghan's name not yours. "Said Deshawn.

"I didn't want yours either, if we were still together it would of been different I could of been creative but you don't deserve my creativity or a box of red hots in a purple basket  " Said Kian.

Red hots are Deshawn's favorite candy, he loves cinnamon flavored food.

"Well no Strawberry candy for you ."Said Deshawn.

When spirit week happened.

Kian wanted to be involved but Jenson told him it was stupid so he shouldn't bother at all.

Kian wants to at least dress for one day of the week but Jenson made fun of his outfit saying it looked silly.

So he didn't bother dressing up for the rest of the week.

At the pep rally since he's a cheerleader he had to go.

It was fun.

Homecoming was suppose to be fun but Jenson didn't want to go and talked Kian out of going to the dance.

Kian thought that meant they would hang out but no .

Kian was in the living room watching tv.

He really wanted to go because it seemed fun to take photos with his friends but they all had dates so he would of ended up going alone.

Turns out Jenson went without him and didn't tell him.

Deshawn saw Jenson there but didn't see Kian and thought that was weird.

Usually couples go to homecoming and other school dances together but Jenson is here without Kian.

Also turns out Kian ended up getting sick, he told Jenson about it but he didn't seem to care.

Kian found out Jenson went without him and was upset.

Jenson said all he could to get Kian to not be mad at him and it worked.

Also turns out Jenson kissed someone else and didn't tell Kian at all.

Kian never found out either.

No one saw it.

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