Untitled Part 50

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Since Misha still is nonverbal his parents have done stuff to help him talk since he can't speak like other people.

Misha and Kason both know sign language.

Also pointing to stuff works well for Misha.

As for which one of his parents does he spend more time with- Kian strictly because Deshawn is a scientist who doesn't get as many breaks as Kian does also sometimes Kian can work from home, all he needs is a art tablet to get most of his work done.

He works with a lot of companies for different collections- pride ones, AAPI and Holidays.

He won't do Political ones involving American flags and veterans because a lot of of White American Nationalists made fun of him and treated him like crap his whole life.

The first time he dealt with racist was when he was four and someone made a joke about his eyes and brought up dogs during lunch.

Also his unmarried last name was Hong- someone said a hateful suicide thing involving his last name towards him during fourth grade, it was a racist white kid who wanted him dead- that one of the many reasons he would never be a teacher or ever want to go back to school.

He and Deshawn hate how their sons have to deal with racism while everyone white racist wants to shield their white kids from learning about it.

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