Untitled Part 23

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Kian was working on a project for class.

His roommate Tris was studying for a cooking exam in the living area of their dorm room.

Daxton was sewing something for school.

Eden was studying with Kora- they were studying together, one reads the questions and the other answers them- they aren't dating yet but they do both like each other.

Daxton has some candy with him because it helps take his mind off of his cramps.

"I need someone to model my design. "Said Daxton.

"I'll do it. "Said Tris.

"Thanks. "Said Daxton.

So Tris modeled Daxton's designs.

His designs are very nature like and fun.

He makes a lot of fantasy styled outfits- both dresses and suits.

Daxton did make some alternations.

Him being so close to Tris made Tris feel things.

"You look perfect in this you should really be a model. "Said Daxton.

That just made Tris brain get fuzzy and he felt good.

"Thank. "Said Tris trying not to make a compete fool of himself around someone who's very attractive.

Daxton went to go get some more stuff add.

Daxton is a jock but this guy has been in his fair share of dnd campaigns and does cosplay a lot for cons.

He took some photos for class to add to his portfolios.

All while doing this he was trying to remain calm because Tris is attractive.

It's been one of his quests since he first met him.

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