Untitled Part 24

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"I really like this . "Said Kian looking up from his tablet.

"I have been making costumes for cons since I was eleven. "Said Daxton.

Tris thought that was so cool.

"If you ever need a model . "Said Tris.

"You would do that. "Said Daxton.

"Sure. "Said Tris.

"Hey can I draw this for my art class I have to draw something for a project and I'm out of ideas. "Said Kian.

"Sure. "Said Daxton.

"I don't mind. "Said Tris.

So he drew this and showed them the art.

"This is amazing. "Said Daxton.

"It is. "Said Tris.

Daxton  got a good grade on his project and so did Kian.

Kian explained how his drawing was of his roommate modeling a outfit his other roommate made for class.

Kian showed Deshawn his drawing after he printed it out.

"Handsome, charming and you're talented at art. "Said Deshawn.

Deshawn sucks at drawing he's more into science.

Kian sucks at science.

But they are in awe of what they both can do.

There have been times however where someone assume Kian was a science major.

Those people assumed that because he's Asian .

Which is just racist to think that he has to be good at science because he's Asian.

People also assume that Deshawn is creative and artsy because he's black- he sucks at art, he can't even draw.

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