Untitled Part 35.

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Heads up- sorry for not focusing on the two main characters- I tend to write interesting side characters.

This is a random stuff about the guys- I won't be adding any fun facts about other roommates just the eight guys here.(sorry for not adding more women as a feminist I do feel bad.)

favorite music- most of them like Japanese alternative because it's so good.

Kian- Japanese rock and punk pop music.

Deshawn- hip hop and pop but he doesn't listen to sexist or homophobic/transphobic rappers or musicians also he likes R&B also he has listened to some Japanese music because of his friends and Kian.

Eden- Hawaiian music and Jpop.

Daxton- pop music and Jpop, he tried listening to Vietnamese pop music and it didn't go well also he likes J-rock because of Tristian.

Tristian- Japanese metal, Jrock, punk and like one jpop band.

Vance- Country music, pop and Latin music- he grew up listening to Spanish music as a kid but if a musician is homophobic, sexist or racist he's not listening to them, also he's been listening to some of the music his friends listen to.

Braiden- Pop music and punk pop but does like some Filipino music he also enjoys R&B.

Kora-Japanese metal, jpop, Jrock and some South Asian music.

Julie-Filipino music, Japanese pop, Japanese rock and Chinese pop, he only likes one kpop group.(not bts.)

Jess-Chinese pop, Jpop, a little kpop, R&B, eighties pop, Jrock and Metalcore also he likes showtunes and Broadway music. 


Kian-punk with some scene grungy stuff.

Deshawn-Streetwear and sporty clothes.

Eden-beachy meets eighties.

Daxton- Jock with some forest vibes he owns elf ears.

Tristian- punk with some grunge with a little anime.

Vance- sporty, he's not a jock those he's a band nerd.

Braiden-grunge but also owns some baseball caps.

Kora-Comfortable goth- he use to DIY thrift clothes as a kid.

Julie- fem cottagecore but like in a manly way.

Jess-colorful, nineties, forest, nineties' anime with a little eighties mixed in

Their order of age in their families.

Kian- third oldest- two brothers and a sister.

Deshawn-middle child he has two siblings but his brother is the oldest, his sister is two years younger.

Eden- middle child.

Daxton-youngest-he has a few sisters and one brother- four sisters and a brother-if I said other wise this is me changing it.

Tristian- youngest of six boys- his dads wanted a big family granted one of his brother wasn't planned despite being a twin.

Vance- third to youngest- he has five sibling because his father wanted a big family, also his two younger siblings are a set of twins.


Kora- youngest and is a triplet.

Julie- third oldest-he has two sisters and a brother.

Jess-youngest-he has three brothers.

Favorite colors.





Kora-Blue but like jewel tone but he also likes Gold.

Eden- orange but a neon orange.

Vance-Grey and purple.


Julie- peach


Who would win a argument- Tristian-he's the youngest of six boys so he has a lot of practice but Vance might because he's from the south and from a large family- not because he's Latino those his family large because of his Greek American father.

Who would win a baking contest- Tristian, Daxton or Julie.

Who's the most fearless- Eden.

Who gets scared the easiest- Kora, Daxton and Deshawn in that order- Deshawn hates clowns

Who's the tallest- it's a tie between Daxton, Deshawn and Julie but Julie is the shortest and Daxton is the tallest, he's six ft three while Deshawn is six ft two.

Who's the shortest- Vance- five ft seven second shortest is Kora who's also five ft seven but still taller than Vance.

Who has the longest hair-Juliet.

Who has the shortest hair- Vance for now.

Who shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen- Jess, he gets distracted easily. 

Who's the genius in the friend group- Deshawn.


Most of them are Christian but don't really go to church.

Kora is Hindu and Christian but isn't super religion- he doesn't eat beef those, he never liked the taste of it anyway- his Hindu faith is important him despite not being that into religion. 

Vance is a Agnostic Atheist, being force to go to church so much as a child and the fact that so much bad stuff happen in the world kind of caused him to stop believing in god but he's not oppose to the idea of a god- he was raised Catholic but he does think Wiccans and Pagans are cool, he respect his friends' beliefs

Julie is Jewish- which shocks people because he's Filipino a culture know for being Catholic also he does eat seafood but won't eat pork- he doesn't even like the taste of bacon from a pig.

Braiden is Catholic but his parents are supportive of him being gay also some of his mother's family is Baptist.

This story is one of those modern world but all the college students were born in the nineties/two thousands but are teens/young adults in the book.


Oldest is Kian.

The youngest use to be Kora until Julie came along- he's born in July.

Jess was born in May.

Three of the friends are mixed-Vance, Braiden and Jess.

Jess is Chinese and African American.

Who knows the most languages-Kora and Julie.

Any left handed people- Daxton, Kian, Julie, Jess and Tristian.

Tristian is one of two left handed kids in his family but one of his dads is left handed and so is his grandmother.

Age order- Kian, Daxton, Tristian, Deshawn, Braiden, Eden, Vance, Jess, Kora and Julie.

Daxton's bday is two days before Tristian's.

Kian's bday is the day after Valentine's day.


March- Daxton, Tristian, Deshawn.

April- Braiden, Eden.

May-Vance, Jess


July- Julie-which is funny because July is named after César, while Julie is the fem form of Julian.

Btw one of them changes something about themselves.

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