Untitled Part 26

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Just a heads up-yes I'm talking about other characters- if I only talked about the two main characters it would get boring.

So some chapters will be about other characters because only talking about Kian and Deshawn would be boring since in some books and tv shows- they talk about other people and even have parts or eps about other people.

Back to the story.

Nov rolled around and parents week happened.

Vance's parents didn't want to come so didn't matter to him.

Braiden couldn't wait to see his parents-his family lives in California he's very far from home.

Well Daxton was scared as hell- Because one he and Tris just started dating and he's about to met Tristian's parents.

He's seen photos of them- two tall guys, one had a tattoo of a skull on his arm and one look like he could beat you up with his eyes.

But Tristian was also nervous because he was meeting Daxton's parents.

Daxton's mom looks like she could rip your soul apart using her bare hands but she's also very nice.

as for Kian- well his parents know Deshawn.

They are use to being around him, they think he's a decent guy.

When Kian was with Jenson, his parents weren't happy because Jenson was so rude to them and rude to their son.

Also he made up a lie about doing something for Kian's birthday last year and Kian never said anything until a month later.

His parents still feel about not doing anything for his birthday last year.

This did happen during a week when two of his roommates were visited by the red demon of the month.


Vance's parents were coming so he stayed at his dorm.

His sister Victoria did come to visit him.

She's lives like two hours away from his college- she knew her brother was gay and was the first person he told.

She told him if crap ever hits the fan he can stay with her during break.

She's two years older than him.


Kora has four siblings.

He's a triplet.

He doesn't hang out with his sister or his brother at school because they have their own friends.

His two siblings go to this school as well and they all are on scholarships.

During break they help their mom out with the restaurant 

Lets just say Kora is that friend you go to when you need coupons or money saving advice.

His friends found this out when there was a knock on the dorm door and a guy who looked like Kora was standing there- only he has long hair, glasses and looked like a member of a j-rock band but a non Visual Kai one.

"That Shinsuke my brother." Said Kora.

His brother just enrolled after their parents talked him into going to college and told him he should live his life.

He didn't want to go because he wanted to help his mother with the restaurant.

"Hi. "Said Shinsuke.

Kora is the youngest of his siblings.

Kora is fluent in Hindu and Japanese also he's been learning a few Hawaiian phases.

"Where maan and and otōsan . "Said Kora.

"One you're the only one who call our parents by those names just call them mom and dad and two they are with Tamiko. "Said Shinsuke. 

"Oh okay." Said Kora.

His roommates were confused.

"I'm a triplet, yes I don't talk about it a lot. "Said Kora.

 Well Eden was walking when he saw Tamiko.

"You must be Eden. "Said Tamiko.

"I am and you are . "Said Eden.

"Tamiko Mato, I'm Kora's sister. "Said Tamiko

"He's never mentioned you at all. "Said Eden.

"Oh I'll go talk to him about it. "Said Tamiko.

Her parents were getting food at a gas station.

So they went to Kora's dorm.

He opened the door.

"Kora Sajay Mato why didn't you tell your boyfriend about me. "Said Tamiko.

"Because you're extra. "Said Kora.

"He didn't tell anyone about me either. "Said Shinsuke.

"This is Shinsuke and Tamiko or Shin and Tami. "Said Kora.

"Also Toshi is here too. "Said Tamiko.

"Cool also no one ever asked me about my siblings. "Said Kora.

Kora doesn't talk about his siblings because no one ever asked him about them.

Kora and his siblings all have Japanese sounding names and Hindu sounding middle names hence why his middle name is Sajay.


"Why are you dressed so nice. "Said Kian.

"Because I want to look nice. "Said Daxton.

Daxton met up with his parents.

Meanwhile Kian met up with his parents.


There was a lot of noise outside and someone saying the word Dilf and asking who's parents are those.

A tall buff like Japanese man and a tall heavily tattooed Japanese man with a dad bod were getting out of their car.

Tris walked over.

"My son. "Said Mr. Neil.

Tris went to hug his parents.

"Son need to eat more you look too skinny. "Said Mr. Kith.

Daxton walked over when he saw Tris.

"These are my parents, that's Neil and Christian but but everyone call him Kith. "Said Tris.

"You must be Daxton, our son told us all about you. "Said Mr. Neil.

"I hope it was good. "Said Daxton

"Don't worry it was. "Said Tris.

Daxton was nervous because he's meeting Tristian's parents.

Well Tris was no better because Daxton's parents were here.

if Tristian's dads are Dilfs than Daxton's mom is a milf and his father is a dilf.

 When the parents were introduced to each others.

They all talked about meeting up to get food.

Rose and Spike.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang