Your tummy grumbles. You get up from the edge of your bed and walk into the kitchen to get some lunch. Phil is there, making pancakes. It smells delicious.

"Want some?" he asks you, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, please," you reply, leaning on the worktop. "You okay?"

He doesn't reply for a few minutes. "Not really. But I'll cope."

You wish you could do something to help him. "Maybe you should make a video, it would take your mind off it."

He shakes his head. "Nothing to talk about."

You fall into silence again. A random thought pops into your head. "Want to make a profile on a dating site?"

He raises an eyebrow at you. Then he cracks a smile. "You come up with the weirdest things."

You flip your hair. "I try."

He rolls his eyes at you, a small smile still on his face.

"So, do you want to? Just for fun? You could pretend to be Lion."

This time he laughs. And it's not forced, which is a good thing. "Fine, after pancakes."

"Okay!" you reply, unable to control your smile.

*le time skip*

You set Phil's and your plate by the kitchen sink and walk back into the living room. You give Phil a mischievous grin. He smiles back.

"Where's your laptop? Go get Lion too," you say to him.

"In the kitchen, beside the cooker," he replies, getting up from the sofa and following you out.

You go to the kitchen, grab his laptop and go back to the living room.

Phil comes in a moment later, his small lion teddy in his hands. You pat the space next to you on the sofa, and he sits down.

"Let's do this," you say, unlocking his laptop and going onto a dating website, where you can also chat with other people.

He chuckles as you take a photo of Lion for the profile picture.

"Okay, do you want to select the interests?" you ask.

"I'll say them and you type them." he replies.

"What does Lion like?"

"Meaty steaks, long grass and hot lionesses," he says with a laugh.

You chuckle and enter them in. "Dislikes?"

"Rain, long walks on the beach and..." He thinks for a moment. "Coffee."

You type them in and click submit. As soon as you do that, a new message comes in.

Heyyyyy, I like your profile xx

You grin at Phil and type a reply.

Thanks, do you like my profile picture? :)

Yeh, is that a toy of urs xx

Umm, no, it's me.

Oh really xx

Yeah, problem?

No xx it's fine
So are you straight or what

I'm lioness-sexual ;)

Oh rly xx I'm str8
How about pic 4 pic

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now