༺ E PIL ʘ G U E༻

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I ignore the way he stares at me as I move down the wall and pick the prettiest ones that pop out to me. After a few seconds go by, he clears his throat and does the same.

I smile to myself and think how lucky I am to have someone like him.

𓆩 𓆪

When we got home, we carried the tree inside and fixed it up. We placed it in the corner of the living room where it would have plenty of room to be noticed inside and outside the window.

Once the tree was set up correctly, I began putting the ornaments on. Jungkook left to pick up some groceries for the party tomorrow evening.

Christmas would be here soon, so we decided to invite everyone here for a few days and spend time with each other.

I'm excited to see everyone. It's going to be so much fun. I can picture it now.

Jimin and Barbie will be dressed so nicely with their baby girl in the cutest outfit. I can picture Jimin being goofy while he plays with her, and Barbie will sit back and watch silently like me.

However, as I'll be watching him, I'll be thinking about Jungkook. I know Jungkook will be an amazing father, and I can't wait to experience that with him.

It's funny how I always thought I would end up alone. I didn't have time for relationships, and the guys who only ever interacted with me were for one thing. I never imagined I could get this far with anyone, but here I am, picturing my future.

Yoongi and his girl will be making noise no doubt, but I'm ready for it. I already know they'll be bringing the wine and ready to have a good time.

Taehyung will be the shy one I'm sure, but I know after a few glasses of wine he'll open up. I'm excited to talk to him and see how he's been doing lately. It's nice to get caught up.

I'm not worried about space for everyone. It's not as if our house isn't large enough to accommodate a few friends anyway. We had a few spare rooms upstairs that are empty for the moment.

Jungkook and I haven't discussed our future that much, but we know we want to be together. Everything has now become normal again for me, but even then, it becomes silent when we talk about the empty bedrooms upstairs.

Every dating couple would react that way. It's the thought of the future, of having children and thinking one day those empty rooms will become someone's. Childish laughter will erupt from upstairs and little feet will be running down the halls. It's cute to imagine it.

It's not as if it's a touchy topic because we have mentioned it slightly before, but it's something that seems too long in the future to fully comprehend at the moment. And that's okay.

There's no need to rush into anything because my friends are starting a new chapter before me. Barbie and Jimin are parents now, but I couldn't see myself as a parent any time soon, which is normal. I don't feel pressured into jumping into something because I know of people who have.

It helps not to be in the city. I remember I used to feel so guilty for not going to college like my old high school friends, but I realized it was that tug of peer pressure looming over my shoulders that made me feel like I could never fit in and that I was being left behind because of it.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora