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I stand alone with the chilly wind blowing through the exposed cracks of my outfit. The air sneaks under my clothing, stealing what little warmth I have, and runs off with it, leaving me cold and vulnerable.

I've never felt so confused, yet self-aware as I do at this moment. The world plays on, while I'm no longer a character in this story. I stand by the fire and observe the movements, mannerisms, and facial expressions of the side characters as much as I observe the fire that burns before me.

I stand in a place where nothing makes sense, yet it perfectly does and doesn't at the same moment in time. I'm conflicted.

Strange voices rush to my ears, signifying danger and caution, but I forget the warnings. I am, after all, not a character in this world but a seated viewer in an empty theater. In both universes, I am undeniably alone.

Footsteps stop behind me, and reluctantly, I slowly turn around and face the person standing a few feet away. I could feel their very eyes on me before I ever heard their heavy steps.

"It's too cold out here. You should be inside where it's warm. Come on," I yank myself free when Acid grabs my elbow to pull me inside.

She stares at me hatefully while my eyes narrow on their own. "I'm not going back in there, not until I know what's going on here. How is he out of prison? Who are all of these people? Why are we so deep in Canada?"

As I speak, more questions come to light that I have stuffed down in my throat, never supposed to be asked but here I am, demanding them instead.

"You both can't keep me in the dark like this. You better tell me now, or I won't hesitate to walk back to the border. I'll do it on foot if I have to, but I need to know the reason why I'm here and how he's here, too." I could feel my voice starting to shake from my emotions rising.

I'm confused in the worst way by not understanding a single aspect of this place. This isn't a feeling of knowing I'll find out soon; it's a feeling of if I don't find out, I know something bad will happen. The atmosphere of this campground is eerie, and I can sense the way my body wants to travel with the cold wind rather than remain in this place.

"Fine, you want to know so bad? Let's walk back to my cabin, and I'll explain everything. Yoongi will just have to be pissed." This time, without grabbing me, she walks away in the opposite direction of the cafeteria and follows a path that's been made in the thick snow up a small hillside.

The wind, almost helpfully, pushes me in the direction of where she's going. I pick up my legs and follow after her. With my arms crossed over my chest and my breath flying above my dry eyes, I keep myself focused on her body as I walk closely behind her.

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I shut the heavy cabin door behind me when she starts unzipping her black coat. "Pull your shoes off and hang your jacket up," she admits, stepping forward while pulling the beanie and glasses off of me, "these are mine," she clarifies while walking away after pulling off her shoes.

Containing my emotions, I remove the jacket and shoes as told and follow her into the main area of the cabin where she starts to light a fire in the fireplace. I see stacks of firewood placed to the side while she lights a match and waits patiently for the fire to ignite.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz