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"It's time to wake up," I say, shaking Barbie and the rest of the women in Taehyung's old room.

Taehyung came into the room and woke me up about ten minutes ago. He asked me to wake the others since he still has to wake up the men.

I agreed and waited a couple of minutes to first get myself more awake, then let some of the women get a little more sleep, even if it was only a couple of minutes.

Now, I walk around the room, gently waking each person up with a soft voice. I remember too well how my father used to wake me at times, and when he would be loud and rude, I would have a horrible day. So, especially given our circumstances, I think it's best if they can at least wake up not in a bad mood.

I left the room after waking everyone, giving them a few minutes to become fully awake.

When I walk out of the room and into the living room, I see all of the men still snoozing despite Taehyung nudging them with his foot to wake up.

Soon enough, Taehyung gives up and walks into the kitchen with his mother.

She's cooking over the stove, and Taehyung begins grabbing plates out of the cabinets to help her.

"Vee, would you mind placing these on the table and counter? Mom's making breakfast before we leave," I agree with a small smile while grabbing the panted and starting to set the table and counter.

"She just started cooking, so the shower is yours. I would take it before anyone else wakes up," when he says that, I quickly finish placing the plates.

"I'll be quick. I don't want to use all of the hot water," I say quietly while walking into the bathroom and flipping on the light switch.

Quickly, I pull off my clothes and step into the shower where I turn on the water. The chilly water hits my skin fast, causing my hands to rush to my arms where they try frantically to warm up my cold body.

Soon enough, once the water turns warm, I fully relax into the spraying water over my head and contently let it cleanse my worries.

However, while I start to wash my body with soap, I soon realize that I shouldn't be feeling this relaxed.

They've taken Jimin and Ghost as well as many others. I shouldn't be letting myself enjoy this after knowing such things have happened. Not to mention how three crew members died during the police station raid.

I almost had forgotten that detail because Taehyung admitted it so fast while we were running yesterday. I can't believe I forgot something like that. People have died, and here I am enjoying something as little as a shower.

Within a second, my expression changes to gloom instead. My thoughts turn to everything over and over again. The guns, the people, the situation we're in, and more. Everything is awful.

I force myself to hurry with my shower, quickly washing my hair and body as fast as I can. I need to get away from my depressive thoughts and being alone where they can dominate my mind is not a good position to be in right now.

Instead, I shut off my thoughts while drying my body and hair. I don't think of anything except for the task at hand as I blow dry my hair, let the bristles of a clean brush his mother laid out run through it, and slip on my clothes. I need to focus on helping Taehyung with everyone.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now