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Fingertips run along the side of my arm, gently disrupting my slumber with carefulness.

When my eyes bat open and become aware of the warm sensation of the sunshine peeking through my bedroom window, I see Jungkook to the side of me.

He's propped on his elbow, head resting in his palm while looking down at me with a love-struck smile.

"Good morning," those dark eyes of his have never been so bright until today. I sit up easily, remembering everything that happened last night. I recall the mission as well as Jungkook's lips on mine. "How did you sleep?"

"Decent," I respond, now looking at him. "How about you?" I look him up and down, noticing the adoration when he stares at me.

"I haven't slept that well in years," smiling with a devious grin, he raises up and tilts his head where he slowly moves toward my lips. His delicate kiss lingers for a while as we enjoy the sweetness behind the kiss.

There's no urgency or lust in the kiss as previous moments. The kiss remains passionate like the warmth from a single candle only two people could share.

With a small space between our lips, he smiles while glancing into my eyes. The expression is contagious. Sharing soft laughs and secretive words that'll never leave this room remind us that there's still plenty left to fight for.

Hushed whispers follow soon after and so do ideas. Plans develop by rolling off our tongues in serious conversation as our feelings for one another turn to the future and with our future first comes finding an answer to our current problems.

I spill the secrets of last night. One after another I tell it all, down to Acid and Hoseok's details that connect them to the mayor. Jungkook, never once interrupting me to scold me or tell me how much of an idiot I am, sits silently listening to every word that escapes my busy lips.

When my unraveled truth comes out, he praises me.

"I knew you could do anything you set your mind to. Next time, we'll do this together," he slides his fingers across the bedsheet to land on mine. "Let's make a plan—all of us," taking hold of my hand and standing from the bed, he pulls me up, and we walk downstairs to the others.

Jungkook stands in the living room, telling everyone to listen and pay attention because he needs to speak.

Motivation guides his speech to everyone, but Jungkook doesn't let me forget for one second that I'm his inspiration as he softly squeezes my hand now and then to remind me.

With heavy-weighted words and reckless emotions oozing from everyone, we calmly sit and talk about the missions.

This time, Jungkook steps back from the spotlight to where I'm standing in it.

"Vee has some brilliant ideas. I think we should listen and see what we can do with them," Jungkook, encouraging me every step of the way, lets me explain to everyone what I told him upstairs about last night.

Although I can tell by the looks of Twix and Taehyung they are a little surprised about what I say we did last night, their reactions quickly turn to hope like Barbie's.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora