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I don't know how to respond. Should I congratulate him, talk him out of it, or give him motivational words? Or should I remain quiet?

It's none of my business, and I know it. However, why did he have to tell me? I don't understand.

"Why are you telling me all this?" My words are quiet as we watch the bright city before us, eyes glowing with the city light's stardust. "I still don't understand much of anything about the logic behind anything we do. I know it's to make a change, but if you cared about it for so long, why do you want to leave now? Everyone acts like this is the best the crew has ever been."

When I say that, he shakes his head. "No, we're at our lowest. The new members think we're at the top, but they don't know anything about us, our goal, or what we put at risk every night when we leave the safety of the warehouses. Half of them left home to give their parents a good scare, and after a while, once they get bored, they'll leave and go home. It's been that way for a year now."

He's clear and gentle with his words as he admits his inner feelings.

"Do you miss home, Vee?" His eyes turn to mine instantly, and I have no answer to give. "Do you hate me for taking you away?"

Forcing the words out of my mouth, I protest.

"I don't hate anyone, Jungkook. If we're being honest here, you were right about everything you said about my father. He used me to get by, forced me to work, and even took my money. He made me believe that was my purpose in life to stick with him and never abandon him, but I know it was because he couldn't live without me." I don't know why I'm admitting all of this, but I can't stop.

"I love my father, but I don't want to return home. I also don't want to live in the warehouse for years either. I'm lost. I want to make money the right way, I want to earn a living, and I want to make my life. I want to be better than my father."

There it is. The final admittance of my deepest, darkest fear. Everything clicks. My fear of heights—I know now it comes from watching my father fall deeper and deeper every day. I never wanted to end up that way, but it seems I still found myself in the deepest part of my entire life.

"I'm afraid. I don't want to fall like him. I... I want to be like everyone else. I only ever wanted to be a normal girl, with a normal family, who could afford the basic of needs without ever having to hide money from the person who gave her life."

I hide my face in my palms, trying to hold back tears because I hate crying in front of people, but I'm so afraid.

"Your father fell because he is corrupt, Vee. I... Before I ever found your father's store as the next target, I watched both of you. I came into the store, wearing a hoodie over my face, just buying a bottle of water and leaving as quickly as I could. But I saw what everyone else failed to see. I saw him taking the money from the register when you weren't looking, I saw him putting extra work on your shoulders when he would leave the store with a group of friends to go gamble, I saw it all. I knew in that second that you deserved more."

"You work hard, Vee, and I don't think anyone has ever acknowledged you for that, but I want you to know I see it; I see you." When his arm comes over my shoulder and pulls me into his side, I don't push him away. I let my head rest on his shoulder and settle myself down. He says nothing but gives me all the time in the world to wipe my tears.

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