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In an instant, his eyes light up once they recognize me, and so do mine. We both look so different from one another.

I watch the way his eyes briefly glance around my cut-up face, unevenly cut hair, and the look of despair in my eyes, but his are no different.

The once sunny tone in his eyes' reflection has vanished—overcome by the dark storm instead. His hair is gone, growing back slowly from the top of his head, and he looks so pale and so very weak. The eye bags underneath his eyes tell me he doesn't sleep at night, not enough at least.

Soon enough, he's breaking the silence with his chapped lips. "Where is she? Where's my girl?" He stops what he's doing, flicking his eyes around the room as if ready to start running to find her, but I grab hold of his wrist as tightly as I can before he can leave his position.

"Jimin, stop it," I clench my jaw, carefully glancing at the guards in the room. I look down the line, seeing how Barbie's a few feet away, getting something else. She must have gone back down the line without me noticing. "She's right down there. You need to be calm and careful." I urge, removing my grip and letting him go.

"If you cause a scene, you'll get hurt, or she will, or they may even use her against you. This is not the time to show weakness, and I understand you are worried about her, but I promise you I will protect her—"

"You don't love her as I do. You can't protect her, and you can't possibly understand how I feel, Vee—"

"Do you know how much I wish Jungkook was here beside me? I haven't seen him in hours—I haven't seen him since they showed him what they did to me. Don't think I don't understand because I do, and you're wrong; I will protect her. I've already made sure she wasn't searched, so they didn't harm her or the baby. I will protect her the best that I can." I tell him, pointing at something randomly to put on my tray before the guards take notice of me standing here.

"You can't keep promises in this place, Vee," he adds while scooping more food and placing it on my tray.

"Then take my word," I interrupt. "I won't let anyone lay a finger on her or the baby. I know you would rather be in my place, but you're not, and you need to have faith that I can make sure she's safe." I admit, slowly moving down the line. "Talk to her, but be quick; they're watching," I add one final comment before I leave the line and take an empty table where I wait for Barbie to join me.

I may have been a little brutal, but we can't afford to be sentimental during a time like this. It's not safe. The guards here don't care. If we show weakness, they will take advantage of it.

I glance up from my tray. I watch them from my spot, seeing the discreet way they brush over each other's hands, the way their lips move silently, and the way Barbie looks when she finally walks away.

She comes to me, sits down, and covers her mouth. She cries into her palm, tears rushing down her cheeks while I wrap my arm around her to comfort her. Jimin watches her from across the room every chance he gets, and then he gives me that look of agreement.

With one look, I know he's trusting me to watch after her, and I nod slightly, letting him know that he can trust my word.

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𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now