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I stir on the bed, gently opening my eyes where I take in the darkness of the room. I feel a weight at the edge of the bed where I see a faint light and a figure.

Sitting up, I rub both of my eyes, tiredness evident on my features still. As I focus on my surroundings, I see Jungkook sitting at the edge, looking downward where I ease closer and see he's looking at a phone.

I can easily see Ghost on the screen, and it takes me a moment to realize he's rewatching the news. I find myself sighing inwardly from what he's putting himself through as well as realizing everything that happened was not some nightmare.

"What are you watching?" I decide to speak up while making myself known and scooting closer to him.

"The news channel. I'm using Twix's phone. I'm hoping to maybe find some clue to something—anything, but there's nothing. I know Ghost, and he would never put anyone's life at risk. This isn't him." I listen silently to him, but I try my best to help him through this battling conversation within himself.

"Is there a chance the police were up to it? Pinned it on him perhaps?" I ask, but he shakes his head.

"No, the cops wouldn't do that. I'm sure some of them would, but it's too risky to place bombs and pin them on someone else. They have something on Ghost, and I know it has to do with the bombs, but I just don't see how yet. I don't understand any of this,"

He rubs his tired eyes, groaning quietly to himself. "I can't sleep, Vee. I can't focus anymore," as if looking at him didn't confirm his tiredness, I can hear it in his voice, too.

"Jungkook, look at me," I gently grab him and turn him to face me. "We can't give up. We're all exhausted, but we can't let it all go to waste. We need to take a day or two to rest, and we need to get back on this as soon as possible—"

"Vee, we can't do it without Ghost, without the others—"

"Says who?" I stand up now, lowering my gaze to him. "You're the infamous Street Killer, and you can do anything." I pause and get on my knees now, taking both of his hands in a strong grip. "Without you guiding the missions, there would be no crew. We're going to sit back, watch, and wait. Yeah, we can never replace Ghost and his brilliant plans, but we're going to try so that we can save them."

I stare deep into his eyes, watching the way they stare at me without that spark.

"We're going to create a series of missions. We'll have four, and the fourth one will involve freeing everyone. We'll get Jimin, Ghost, and the rest out. If we plan everything carefully, then we have a shot to save everyone—"

"Vee," he says quietly, removing my hands while putting his hands on mine. "We can't do anything. It's too risky to even attempt a mission without the necessary people and equipment we would need which has been taken once they found the warehouses. There's nothing we can do," he sighs, releasing his hands from mine and sitting back on the bed focusing on the ceiling instead. "We tried, but we can't—"

"Don't give me that crap, Jungkook. You are the embodiment of can and will, despite the rules you still did everything you needed to anyway." I find myself sighing when he rolls over to face the wall.

"I'm sorry, Vee. I just can't do it this time," he mumbles, and I nod despite him not seeing.

I exit the room with annoyance in my tone, only to see Twix standing outside while leaning against the wall.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora