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With each step I take, I feel the fear consume my heart from the unknown of what awaits us behind this prison. So many possibilities, yet all I can hope for is that we will survive this.

Although fear rushes through me like the blood in my veins, I never show an ounce of fear for these bastards. I keep Jungkook's encouragement in mind and keep my head held high.

As we walk through the entrance doors, cops come up, shoving us in a straight line as we walk through the inner gate.

One second I'm standing in the front of the line, almost protecting the others behind me, and the next I'm being shoved into a room all alone by the female cop who was holding me back earlier and am forced to strip myself.

Then cold water is poured on top of my bare body in filthy buckets over my head, and I scream from the teeth-chattering temperature of the water. They force me to use lice shampoo and wash my hair as well as other parts of my body.

When I'm done cleaning, one of the other female guards pushes me against the wall, telling me she's going to perform a search.

I feel her gloved hands roam my body, checking every part of me to make sure I'm hiding nothing. When she goes down there, I have to bite my lip from the pain her roaming fingers cause me.

When she clears me, I quickly grab the grey prison suit one of the other female guards tosses at me, but I don't miss the bloody gloves the other guard throws away in the trash and the blood smeared around my thighs from her roughness when checking me.

And like that, a form of my innocence will forever be gone. The brutality of this prison is dehumanizing.

They hardly give me time to dress, but when they return my underwear, I quickly slide them on and hook my bra in place. The last thing I need is to be walking around here with no underwear. Afterward, I slip on the grey suit and put on the matching grey sandals.

Once I'm dressed, they bring me over to a stool and forcefully cut my hair. I feel them cutting it all off, watching long strains of hair fall and hit the floor.

When it's over, they pull me up and push me to the side of the room while they clean up for the next girl.

My hands come up to my hair, feeling how short it is. It's cut unevenly with certain pieces of hair sticking up. It doesn't hang at all. I can hardly rake my hands through what's left of my hair.

Then, before I can fully take in what I just went through, one of the guards grabs my arm roughly and pulls open the door, and shoves me outside to the line of girls.

They all look at me in horror, eyes wide with fear as they see the braveness I force myself to keep. Some of them cry when they see me, but I don't when I look at each of them.

All of a sudden, the female guard grabs what she can of the remainder of my hair and makes me walk out of the building. She makes me walk past everyone who's lined up, and they all stare at me, but I keep my head forward.

However, when we make it to the boy's line, I see Taehyung looking and not recognizing me for a second.

Only after a few more steps, my eyes meet Jungkook's, and his eyes drift right past me to the cop holding me by the hair. If his looks could kill, this woman would be on the ground.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now