Chapter 101: Gaibon Lord

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One Week After Kouha's Promotion 

 Kouha was at the Cygnus's Seaport working on the refit for the captain farland's
Naval ship conversion to Sky Ship since the crew with their captain for 
The training for the Aerial Navigation and expertise.  Erasia is the only one 
Helping her  then suddenly her devicer rings  " Whats up " Kouha asked while 
doing the welding on the frame of the refitted ship " Hey I need to Call at arms you at the 
Moment do you mind dropping by to help? " Elsie talks to her through the 
Devicer " Call at arms why what happened?"  Kouha asked " We got a stray boss
Attacking The Guild Town " Elsie reported their situation to her  " Stray boss i see. 
I'll come there as quick as we can " Kouha responded " Alright We'll be waiting 
You guys "  Elsie ends the call there " Erasia! "  Kouha hollered as she toss key 
for the Hover Mount " Got it "  Erasia Knew immediately what to do and she 
parkours towards the Mount and activates it with the key then she flew away 
Meanwhile the Guild Town is in panic there are dead adventures that are ranked
Sapphire, Steel and Emerald  there's even a dead ruby and bronzed ranked adventurers
Rank among them " Keep The Guild Up Boy! or else we will get fried by that thing! " 
Elizabeth Hollers as she fires Mega Blast at the the Entity that is attacking them 
" I Know that very well! "  Nhiem Responded while keeping the holy barrier steady 
while holding his great sword with both hands which manifests the barrier 

The Entity they are facing has a Horned Dinosaur head Wearing a crown. The 
Monster had  a muscular human like Body it of dark grey color it had a large 
Spanning bat wings and a eagle like feet it opened its mouth and fires a 
Super charged Proton Breath against the guild persistently flowing 
Against Nhiem's Holy Barrier "nrghhh This bastard is really strong" Nhiem 
Grunts as he channels his attribute to his sword more strengthening the 
Holy barrier.   " Molecule Slash! " Elsie Yells her chant as she slashed the air 
Causing the Water molecules in the air to gather together and slashed the 
creature " Double Air Cutter! " Sheila says her chant and performs a Slashed 
in the air bending the winds around them into a formulated two slashes 
And slashes the creature but it didn't even made a scratch onto him then 
The Creature Shoots Fast acting Lightning bolts at them Elsie and Sheila backs
Away to the holy barrier to defend themselves " Shit that thing's tough" 
Sheila curses then suddenly the empty hover mount flies towards its back
Causing the explosion upon it but it didn't made him flinched nor took damage

Erasia lands down in front of the Elsie and others behind her is the holy barrier 
" You made it " Elsie stated,  Erasia looks around the guild town, so many lives 
Are lost. the townsfolk,  Men, women and children dead and adventurers from 
The different rank are also dead then Erasia points her finger at the Creature 
" Plasma Burst! " She chants the name of her skill while channeling her attribute
And Fires Jets of Super Charged of Plasma at the Creature and engulfing its 
Entirety as soon as the jet of super charged plasma wanes the creature is 
Unscathed then the Creature Retaliates with Charged Protonic Breathe 
Which Erasia Effortlessly kicked into the skies then she shifts foot forwards 
And Leaps towards the creature and punched it with all of her force the 
Force of her punch generates a shockwave that resonates within the Guild Town
but the creature didn't flinched  " Brute Force immunity huh.  this monster is 
Something else "  Erasia deduces she landed on the same position as earlier 
" Seems like Slashing will work. but i don't have my swords with me at the 
Moment. i can slash him with my vampiric claws but i don't want them to 
Find out about my identity as a Daywalker vampire hybrid " Erasia ponders 
at her choices while anticipating another attack from the creature  

Kouha was at the skies while flying towards where the creature was she can 
See the fires and the smokes coming from the settlement below " Red of 
Reinforced Armor should be suffice "  Kouha stats as she changed the variation
of her ether armor into the red of reinforced armor. which boosts her effectiveness
in her attacks against the enemies with high resistance and immunity against 
Attributes of any kind She kicked the Air boosting her flight speed more 
The glow of her Ether armor changes from whitish blue to carmaine red 
Then She does a front flip and landed at the head of the creature 
" Gaibon lord a dungeon boss that can be found at the Vestibus Dungeon 
For this to become a stray boss that means someone used a summoning catalyst"
Kouha immediately deduced the identity of the creature. then she grabbed 
both of its wings " And This is one of the most powerful dungeon bosses that 
Resides in Gold Rank Dungeons.  mainly because it has resistance against 
Attributes except for flame attribute. its also immune against melee attacks
However not against me "  Kouha then pulled both of it wings severing it 
off its back causing the Gaibon Lord to Roar in pain and impacted itself
Against the dormitory " ah shit the dormitory owner's gonna scold me for that 
Later " Kouha worries.  then the Gaibon Lord gets up and Fires a Ultra charged 
Energized Ions at her and she run towards it causing its attacks to fade when it 
Hits her current Ether Armor and Punched it in the Snout blowing its snout 
Away causing it to stagger backwards the Gaibon lord Wails in immense pain

Then It performs a Lightning clad Dash towards her " Enough of this already 
Go die you fiend "  Kouha clenches her fist and lugs a punch to its abdomen
Glowing it away splattering the entirety of the Gaibon lord at one of the houses
In the guild town. leaving still its beating heart and kouha collects it as a 
Proof of completion she then takes its loot which are the Electromagnetic core 
The Royal Guard Skirt Armor.  And a lightning aura'd cape then lastly the 
Webbing Attribute Stone " Thanks for coming to help you too " Elsie says as she 
and others approaches her and Erasia " We were kinda too late though " Kouha
Sighed as she responded  " Didn't expect we will be stray raid here. but i 
Wonder how did it got here to begin with?"   Elizabeth ponders  "  Wonder about 
That later for now go tend with the the wounded and gather the dead so that 
Elsie could find identify them so that she can inform their families about their 
Tragic fall "  Kouha Requested  Then Elsie turns around to face them " Do as what 
She says move! " Elsie commanded, Nhiem and the other adventures nods their  
Head and begins the task that was requested for them to do and acts on it 
Elsie and Sheila bade  Kouha and Erasia as they leave to help the others 
Then both of Kouha and Erasia proceed to search every settle to find for survivors
Meanwhile at the Supreme Palace of the Cygnus Empire. Eirietta was watching 
The whole event with her Ultimate Sight " She has defeated the Gaibon lord 
With ease turns out that you are right about her Artur.  she's a danger that need
To be kept and tamed "  She said in a stern tone with her brows crocked against 
Each other she wasn't happy at what she had saw  " Yes your highness i think 
We should do some observations about her. as all levels of Sight attribute cannot
Identify her at all  "  Artur says while he kept his head on bow while kneeling on 
One leg  " Fine by me. however if you failed Artur ill have your head "  The 
Empress permitted him and threatened him at the same time  " as you wish 
Your highness the empress "  Artur Responded to her steadfastly and astutely

[ To Be Continued ] 

Non-Ordinaire Life of  Supernatural CollectorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang