Chapter 63: Six years later -1

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after  the incident that has occureed. the sisters went on separate paths.
While Kaohu resents kouha for her own reasons. and Kouha avoids talking
And bothering her Little sister.  because of the guilt she has felt that because 
of her Kaohu almost lost her life.  Erasia accompanies Kouha throughout her 
Daily life then Both Kaohu and Haru dedicates their years on studies  
All could Horan and Karue do was watch their daughters ignore each other 
Horan was saddened to her core that once happy sisters are now avoiding each other 
Karue too was saddened but she has to stay strong in order to comfort Horan 
All they could do is watch them growing up with a heavy heart 

Six Years Later 

Haru and Kaohu attended Royal  Academy of  Elyria Legends has it that all of the 
Powerful rulers from the queendoms, kingdoms and dukedoms have graduated 
From here. Kaohu was the top of her class and Haru was the top of their school
Meanwhile in Priafire Kingdom. Agina Maharagi the Head of Royal maids decided 
To Retire and Decided  to Name Erasia her adoptive daughter as her replacement 
And the new Head of the Royal Maids of the Priafire's  royal palace everyone 
Including the queens were proud of her and accept her whole heartedly as the 
New Royal head maid of the Piarefire Queendom and making her the youngest 
one to become the head maid in the history of the whole nation itself
Meanwhile Kouha became a well renowned and famous artisan under the name 
of Freym Pia of the Pri-arms Company. she has become the mysterious yet a 
Successful all-smith artisan who had never shown her face. within six years 
and her appearance still remained enigmatic. Freym Pia is famous across all 
Seven Continents namely. Eshen, Elyria, Von Doux, Leth, Bryndh, Azuria 
And lastly the Cygnus. Cygnus is known as the land of adventurers as the 
Guild of Cygnus is the most achieved and biggest adventuring guild of all time
That's just seven continents only. the other continents has heard of her name 
Through the stories of traveling merchants and Bards singing tales about her name 

Haru and Kouha are now sixteen years old. Kaohu and Erasia are now fourteen 
Years old. and today is the 25th day of Month Sinco. the Graduation day of the 
Royal Academy of Elyria and Haru was chosen to be the speaker to give the 
Graduation speech and haru agreed willingly.  while Haru is talking to her 
Female peers in their classroom before the time for speech. Erasia enters
The room and seems like everyone seems to recognized Erasia as the new 
Royal head maid of the priafire queendom. to them she's like a celebrity 
"Eh? Erasia! " Haru was happy to see her  " its been six years since we last
See each other duchess hurrain " Erasia bowed " Likewise head maid
Maharagi " Haru also bowed back then the two had a good laugh 
" so then Erasia what brings you here to Elyria you must have traveled like
A Very long way from the priafire. " Haru asked " lets say that i have my 
Ways of travel. anyways i am here to give you a gift " Erasia then handed  to
her a Medium sized box that is beautifully wrapped and ribboned " May
I Ask for whom this from?" Haru inquires the identity of the sender " Prin--
Freym Pia " Erasia responded everyone in the classroom gasped in surprise
upon hearing Freym's name. Haru smiled as she one of the people that knows the
Real identity of Freym pia. " Seriously?? you're good friends with Lady Freym 
that she has sent you a graduation gift??" one of her female peers reacted then 
Everyone flocks towards haru as part of their curiosity of what is her connection 
Between these two individuals.  Erasia and Freym Pia herself 

After all of the students were given diplomas it was time for the closing speech 
and it will spoken by top scorer and top achiever of the academy " Without 
Further ado lets give a big round of applause to Haru hurrain "everyone claps
As soon as haru goes up the stage and grabs the mic " Good Day to you 
ladies and gentlemen  Six years ago a certain girl. taught me some eye-opening 
Experience. she told me that i cannot become a queen-consort if I don't see of
what's behind the wall. and that wall is my inability to see what lies beyond 
more than just royal etiquettes or traditions.  and that was how people lives 
their normal life it maybe royalty, nobility or commoners. each one of us has
Something to do on our own each one of us have something to decide." 
Haru shares the lesson that kouha taught to her six years ago " So when 
I graduate today.  tomorrow into the future i will not just fulfill my duties as 
The duchess and future queen consort. i will also try to seek a way for 
The people of both nations to reconcile with their difference. so that there 
Will be no more discrimination and lessen the poverty " Haru finishes her 
Speech and everyone stood from their  seat and claps while Kaohu clicks her tongue 

Meanwhile at the former slums which now known as Prism Street. Kouha bought 
This street as her own property and renamed it. she did what she promised to them 
Six years ago.  she rebuild and beautify their houses she also rebuild the pavements 
and the walls and the walls are now properly painted with corrosion resistant paints 
She also given the people of slums a proper jobs. which is why she established her 
Company which now houses six different branches in that street alone and these 
Branches, pharmacy For Medicines and healing  Armsmith  for armors and weapons
Tailoring for outfits and clothes repair , General Store for daily necessities and needs
Maintenance shop for vehicle repairs and devices, This shop also sells Tools and equipment Merchandise store for accessories And adventuring items it also sells cooking utensils
Diner wares. Kouha stood infront of company's glass sliding doors. She is now a 
well endowed beautiful teen.  she wore a blue blazer underneath her white baroque
Themed polo. then she also wear blue pleated skirts with black slacks and blue 
calf high blue belted boots. she also has her goggle dangling around her neck 
She enters her company and is met with her female secretary waiting for her at 
the reception " Silky is the hover mount still on maintenance?" She asked 
" The Maintenance will be finished in two hours princess " Silky responded 
" Are you going somewhere princess?"  She added " Yeah apparently my mother
Told me to attend my little sister's graduation party at Elyria in her stead since she 
And the duke and duchess of hurrain has something to talk about" Kouha responded
Then silky nods her head. despite her dislike about what the nobles did to Kouha years ago

Later at the Evening. Kouha was doing some check ups on her hover mount 
its a it looked a small aircraft that has no cockpit but rather a two person seat 
And it had a  wind shield that covers its engine and control device. and the 
Wings are seem to be maneuvered by the handle bars on the control device. 
She hopped on the hover mount and powers it on causing the exhaust from 
the back to expunge heated air due in order to cool down the engine  and 
Prevent it from overheating by channeling the heat it created through it 
" Are you sure that you don't want me to come with you?"  Erasia asked 
" No need ill be back son. please prepare me an evening tea by then " 
Then Kouha revs the right bar up causing the mount to lifts off then 
She steps on the accelerator and bolts into the skies  " As you wish 
Princess kouha " Erasia smiled watching the princess leave through the skies 

While at the Celebration hall of the academy for the evening party to Celebrate 
This generation's graduation. the students were murmuring upon seeing 
Haru sitting alone in one of the tables. she's wearing a vibrant green 
puffy and frilled noble like party dress paired with green big ribbon which
she clipped at the back of her hair and she had a short braid at the side of her 
hair.  " Why is the duchess hurrain alone tonight where's princess kaohu?" 
one of the students asked " No idea. does the princess does not like her or 
something" one of the students responded.  upon hearing those murmurs 
haru's facial expression soured. a minute passed by Kaohu enters the room 
" Everyone i bade you all congratulations on graduating. since we are all here
Ill take this opportunity to declare " Then she pointed her hand at haru 
" To Break my engagement with Duchess hurrain "  Kaohu added. haru was 
Shocked by all of this sudden. but she tries to keep her cool " May i ask 
Why do you want to break our engagement princess?" she asked 
" Simple you and i are not compatible. doing things beyond the royal 
Tradition are you trying to Jeopardize both of our bloodlines?? have you 
Lost your mind?! i am a royal and you are a noble. a duchess even are you
Saying that commoners and noble borns should live in reconcilation? 
What kind of blasphemy is this! " Kaohu berates Haru making her look bad
infront of the crowd. everyone gasped and looked at haru with contempt 
" Even you dislike me. you can't just broke off our engagement like that! 
Its what our parents agreed upon! did you even have the queen's permission??" 

Haru protests then Kaohu looks at Haru coldly with contempt " I don't 
Care about the engagement since the beginning. and i don't plan spending 
my life with  someone ignorant like you!" Kaohu clenches her fists hard 
" Finding a way for both commoners and noble born to reconcile?  
Stop making yourself look self less to mask your selfishness. you are 
Just making roundabouts how to to fulfill your duties as the duchess 
You're a faceted liar who can't even stay true to yourself you disgust me! " 
Kaohu yelled at her with the most painful insults this prompted Haru to sob 
in front of everyone.  they heard a foot step behind kaohu stopped everyone
Including her turned around and widened their eyes upon seeing Kouha 
" If you want to cancel off engagement you  didn't have to humiliate Haru
Like that " Kouha then walks towards Haru " sister.." Kaohu grits her teeth
upon seeing her older sister " I'll say nothing about this as your older sister
But ill tell mother about this as her daughter. "  she said to Kaohu as she lends 
her hand to haru then haru looked at her with teary eyes " Princess.." she says 
with soft and cracked voice  " I understand no need to tell me something "  
She then picks haru up on her shoulder then carries her towards the entrance
And kicked the door opened and haru widened her eyes upon seeing the 
Hover mount " Is that??"  Haru was shocked  " yes my new invention. " 
She placed haru seated at the seat behind hers " Ill take you right away to
Our parents " She said as she squeezed the right handle bar for lift off 
" Wait up! " Kaohu yelled  " You better explain yourself to our mothers later " 
Kouha replied then she steps on accelerator once and into the skies  and 
The speed and the acceleration made Haru scream nervously  

[ To Be Continued ] 

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